Just Gray | Teen Ink

Just Gray

August 12, 2013
By Anonymous

Walking down the hallway of my school. A school where there's no high and no low. No geeks, dweebs, jocks, bullies or 'populars'.ma school where everyone is friendly with each other. Where everyone knows each others name. Where everyone matters. Jefferson isn't my school, it's the one mum and dad forced me to go to because they wouldn't let me stay home, and do nothing, like I want to. Jefferson high is the complete opposite of my school. The populars are.....mum says I can't use that word. The geeks are.....well I'm one of them, so... Braces and glasses aren't so super when your the one wearing em, neither is the quirky skirt I have on. And Shay said thy were cute. Not so cute anymore when you spill juice on it. And my top is making headlines on today's Gossip Guru. That's a magazine, or should I say online blog of some sort Cherise writes. It's like she looks at the pictures she takes, point them at a mirror and says 'mirror mirror on the wall, who's the ugliest of them all' before putting it on her blog. Today, it's me that's not unexpected, the good thing is that I've made headlines like a zillion times, Shay, on the other hand hasn't had as many exposures as I have. One day, I'm gonna tear up inside out, but that day isn't soon at all. Mum always said that people won't gossip about you if you're not important. That's one point Gray, zero Cherise. Gray, doesn't my name sound gloomy, maybe that's part of the reason I'm like this. If I had something more swanky, like Cherrelle, or Donna, or even Alex, but no. Mum decides to name her only daughter Gray Andrea Michel. Gray because I have gray eyes and Andrea because its her name. Gray? Hmmm. When I'm older, I'm so going Cherrelle, no offence mum. Cherrelle Andrea Michel. I like the sound of that. At least then i won't have braces and glasses and big googely eyes. Struggling with my image has been a part of me since Simon left, he's my older brother, well one,of them. There's six of them Tom, Shane, Dean, Boe, Jake and Simon. Strange how my mum was looking forward to a pretty princess and she got me. Bummer. Anyway, it's time for me to get back to my life and try to look for the 'bright side' in this situation, it might just be the trophy I'm about to get.

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