Few Hours to Death | Teen Ink

Few Hours to Death

August 19, 2013
By Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had known I would have not committed the mistake of not believing in you. Every time I close my eyes, I see you holding my hand. I see your face, your gleaming smile, your sparkling eyes that reflected the trust you had in me. Everything you ever did for me was for my betterment, but I misunderstood your concern.

My life now is like a book that has been burned off into paper ash with some bits of memory saved by the rain. Those few bits contain the sweetest memories enough to light up my life. The memories that you gifted me with. I still remember the day we sat at the James River bank, where I promised you to do something useful with my life because I know I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.
"Sorry Jennie." I exclaimed as a drop of tear rolled down my cheeks.

"Shut up and go back to sleep." said the security standing outside the cell banging the iron rods with his stick as I sat sobbing in one of the deep corners of my jail cell.

Yes, I am in jail since last 2 years and probably my journey here will end with my death. You must be thinking why am I apologizing to Jennie? Or how did I end up reaching here? I will tell you but making my large story short.

Jennie Manhattan, the love of my life. I met her in collage and soon after collage I got engaged to marry. We were best friends and as it’s said, 'the more true the friendship, the more the love'. She could even read my breath and get what I wanted. We were titled the perfect couple among our friends.

Everything was going right, when our love story took a drastic turn. It wasn't really drastic turn, but a well I forced myself to jump into. a well into hell. She always tried to help me when I went wrong, but this time I had already gone too far to be pulled back.

In the desire of having her and gifting er with a luxouries life, ran into a speed breaker. The impact was so worse that I ended up reaching where I am now.

I have been put in the Central Jail of America for a crime; no one will ever tend to forgive me in this lifetime. My dark cell haunts me every night and so does the time I last saw you. You were crying, weeping and were lost in grief. You were blaming yourself for the mistake I committed as I was handcuffed and brought forever now.

A few small mistakes we commit can become a curse for a lifetime. The innocence we are gifted in childhood is the most beautiful and the most precious gift we are ever gifted. We should never let it escape our soul as the devil may get rooted there instead. That was exactly what happened with me.

I was into bad influence in the greed of money and wealth that I betrayed her. My heart turned black and so did my view towards life. My actions went illegal and I finally ended up reaching here.

Today I realize my mistake by the scar I find on my body. Every scar reveals a truth that I cannot dare to forget. The darkest years of my life were through them. I miss her, her love, the joy she brought in my life, my family who supported me at every point of life and more than everything, I miss myself and the life I led earlier that with what have I ended up now..

Tomorrow I will be hanged for the sins I once committed. I am not in grief, instead I am happy because only my god knows how hard it is to face yourself after spoiling and destroying the lives of millions. It is hard to even inhale another breath with the load of the curses of over millions.

Yesterday I was made to stand before the court. I did not hesitate to speak the truth. When the Court gave its decision and sentenced me to death, I never felt a sense of fear within me. Maybe it was because I simply wasn’t scared of death anymore, and the record of my activities of disgrace reflected that in my eyes. Instead I felt a sense of complete peace within me.

It’s already 4 AM in the morning. I am supposed to be hanged at 7 AM, three more hours from now. With every second passing by I am trying to recall all those moments that truly gave meaning to my life and instead of just disgust and shame. Please forgive me. I wish to dedicate my every remaining second to my beloved Jennie and my ever loving parents. I promise to love you even after I inhale my last breath and my hearts stops beating, Jennie. I Love You.

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This article has 1 comment.

Emily said...
on Sep. 1 2013 at 3:41 am
I just love the suspence you have tried to create through the story!!!