Hazey Bliss | Teen Ink

Hazey Bliss

July 29, 2013
By nlb13 GOLD, Beaver Falls, New York
nlb13 GOLD, Beaver Falls, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The weak can not forgive, for forgiveness is an attribute of the strong."

Pure bliss. The air smokey, my vision hazey. The smell and taste of sweet release, temporary escape.Frowned upon yes,but so am I. Misjudged, misunderstood, misused and abused. Few can truly respect it, i am one of those few. Bliss, taking me high above any fear or worry. All nagging thoughts and reminders of broken dreams left behind. Peace, serenity,synonyms to the feeling. The only time i am free from the restraints of depression. Illegal therapy, most certainly the best therapist I have ever made an appointment with. Natural solution to pain, suffering. One of few ways to be at peace with the world other than to meet your end. This simple god made leaf, the rest my soul needs when the weeds are to thick.The peace when my mind is to busy, the healing when my heart is badly broken. All this good can come from one flick of a lighter and a deep breath. <3

The author's comments:
judge me, or don't this is what it has done for me and some of my friends. not on here for hate, only for love <3

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