The One | Teen Ink

The One

September 4, 2013
By Ridgeway97Taylor GOLD, Gothenburg, Nebraska
Ridgeway97Taylor GOLD, Gothenburg, Nebraska
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. -JFK

Bright ... like needle points in a paper that covers up heaven, this is how she would describe the stars. We would sit together for hours at a time talking about movies and songs. I was completely in love with her. Head over heels is an understatement when talking about how much she meant to me. She had beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. Wait ... this didn't happen ... none of it is real. It could be but before she was born her parents decided that she wouldn't be. Her mother aborted her ... and to think she could have been the one.

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