Dear Daddy | Teen Ink

Dear Daddy

September 5, 2013
By Twitch247 BRONZE, Chaffee, Missouri
Twitch247 BRONZE, Chaffee, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Light up the darkness

Dear daddy,
I miss you so much and wish that you were here, but things happen...beautiful things are splattered with an auburn color. The blade sticky with blood. The smell of death consumes me. There's a frightful look in her eyes as her father crumples to the ground, choking on blood. She tries to cry for help, but can't seem to let the words escape from her dry throat. The light in his eyes drain till there is nothing left but darkness. The world slants and all of a sudden everything goes black. She's dreaming.. about every bit of fun she had with her father, but sooner or later everyone has to wake up. For the past two years I have done anything to help get rid of the memories or numb the pain. I have had nightmare after nightmare of your death, waking up screaming or in cold sweats to scared to go back to bed knowing that the flashback will haunt me after my eyes close. I am to a point where I feel as though sleep isn't an option. These dreams are emotionally scarring me from the inside out. I feel like it is just a matter of time before the darkness surrounds me, but for now there is still a little light shining through. I love you forever and always
Sincerely yours, your little girl....light up the darkness....

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