Broken Chains | Teen Ink

Broken Chains

October 26, 2013
By clblackett SILVER, Davisburg, Michigan
clblackett SILVER, Davisburg, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The chains that embraces me will never let me go, I just stare at the silver that digs into my wrists. Let me go. Let me be free. I raised my fists. I neglected the voice in my head. The voice that is never right. I pulled. I tugged. And fought my way. I fought my way. I screamed,as I struggled at the war with myself. My eyes saw the unbelievable, the 'dream killer' disappeared. I am capable, now. I can do I anything, now. The chains shattered.

The author's comments:
This piece was about how a girl who over came her conscious

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