What Happened? | Teen Ink

What Happened?

October 31, 2013
By Jarjar187 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Jarjar187 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up with no memory of who I was or what I had done. I was in a dark room with a ceiling to low for me to stand and walls to close for me to lie down. The room didn’t bother me as much of the fact that I didn’t know why I was locked in it. Many of years passed and I began to think about why I was still alive. As far as I knew I hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink since I woke up in the dark room. Finally after what felt eternity a door I didn’t know existed opened. The light was blinding. I crawled towards it and emerged in what looked like an office building. A man sitting at a desk greeted me calmly. “Hello. It’s been a while.”

“ Who are you?” I asked.

“ I am the man that has caused you this pain.” My mind began to race. Why was I given this punishment, and why after all these years have I been taken out of the pitch-black room? One word filled my mind WHY. The man responded as if he could read my mind. “ You don’t remember do you.” I shook my head. “ No… of course not.” he muttered. “ You were my first experiment.” An experiment, I thought. How long has this man been watching me suffer? I may have no memory, but i’m sure I wouldn’t agree to take part in an experiment like this. The words came out without thought.

“ What happens now?”

“ Now you go home.” he said. Do I have a home? If I do I don’t remember.
The man handed me an envelope and keys. “ All you need to know is written here your car is waiting outside.” “ RING, RING”. The man’s phone rang, and he answered forgetting that I was still there. I wondered through the building looking for a way out. There were no windows so it was impossible to guess what floor I was on. One thing concerned me. The building was huge but there were no people. Other than the man I had seen no sign of life. After traveling in a large circle, I arrived back at the mysterious man’s office, but he was no longer there. The phone rang again. “ Ring, Ring.” I decided to answer it. “ Hello”

“ Goodnight.” A voice on the other end whispered. I blacked out . I woke up back in the black room.

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