A Dream Come True | Teen Ink

A Dream Come True

October 18, 2013
By Treyton Hebblethwaite BRONZE, Paxton, NE, Nebraska
Treyton Hebblethwaite BRONZE, Paxton, NE, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tony gets home after basketball practice, worn out and tired. He goes to the fridge to get a drink and sees his dad, sitting on the table reading the newspaper. He sits across from his dad and asks him if he will be able to make it to his championship game. His Dad says, “sorry son I will be working.” Like always! Tony thought. Tony storms off into his room and his Dad sighs as he tries to stop tony so he can about it to him. But once again Tony doesn’t listen. Tony in his room wishes his mom was there to go and support him, but of course his mom is not there. Tony remembers that terrible day when he got asked by his teacher to go to the principal’s office they tried to politely tell him that his mom had just died in a car crash. Tony starts on his math homework, but falls asleep because he is so tired from practice.

Tony wakes up; it is the day of his championship game. He thinks in his head sarcastically, YAY! Just another game that I wont be able to play in. Tony puts his clothes on and of course his dad isn’t home to give him a ride to school… again. Tony walks to school after eating a bowl of cereal, as tony walks to school; he wonders how his game is going to be. Although he doesn’t care he isn’t going to play anyway. As he arrives at his school he walks down the hallway that leads to his lockers, and they are filled with decorations wishing his team good luck. He grabs his bag from down in the locker room and goes to the bus. Tony sits next to his best friend Kevin, who is not very good at basketball, but plays anyway. On the way to the game Tony thinks about his dream of playing in the NBA, being a star, proving his team wrong. Tony sigh’s thinking that he has no chance if they’re not going to let him play. The bus arrives and empty’s as they all head to the locker room. They change and them go and start shooting around. Soon the clock starts from twenty minutes and they start their warm-up. They do all their drills; two line lay ups, 3-on-3 shooting drills until the clock hits two minutes. As the team goes out on the floor Tony sits on the bench. They do the jump ball the ref blows the whistle throws the ball in the air. Tony’s team does not get the ball. The other team runs a fast break on them and scores the first two-points. Tony’s team The Fighters dribble up the court and react with a fake three and drive in for two. The fourth quarter rolls on and The Fighters are down by five. The Fighters starting point guard drives in for a lay up after the ball gets passed into him for the fourth quarter first possession and lands on his ankle wrong. He hurts it and is out for the game taking Tony off the bench. Tony gets the inbound and makes a quick pass. His teammate gets the ball and lays it in for two, making it a three-point game. There is two minutes left and The Fighters are on defense. They hold the other team back not allowing them to score, now there’s only one minute left Tony brings up the ball. They start running there offense and find an open three, and they make it. Making the score even with twenty-five seconds left, the opposing team tries to make a jump shot but they miss. The Fighters rebound the ball and run fast break but Tony does not see an open guy so he sets up the offense, and pass it around ten…nine…eight...Tony gets the ball on the top of the key seven…six…five…turns around four…three...two…shoots it and it goes in! One! Tony wins the game for his team and they all cheer on Tony. Tony smiles as he gets applauded to and will never forget that moment.

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