Tomahawk Squad | Teen Ink

Tomahawk Squad

December 13, 2013
By SpencerChang2001 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
SpencerChang2001 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our jets were soaring through the air, the amazing speed and adrenaline made me excited, it made me get over my phobia of extreme heights and speeds. It made me feel like a firefly soaring through the air. My cold light face was pale while I flew in a jet. Me and my team of 7 fighters soared through the air, around the airbase in a circular formation, as we always do on practice runs. But after about 10 minutes of flying in the air, my fuel gauge started blinking. It said that I was out of fuel! How was that possible? Our jets are always fueled so that we have about 12 hours of flying! I then started to radio the team “Tomahawk-Six reporting, it seems that I’m out of jet fuel. I need clearance to land the jet.” and then Tomahawk-three say “Uhh, how is that possible? We’ve only been flying for about 15 minutes.” I replied “Not sure, but I need to land now!” “Tomahawk-One, Permission to land?” But then there was no reply, just static. “Tomahawk-One???” but there was no reply. My friend Tomahawk-Five said “Is Tomahawk-One’s radio dysfunctional or something?” I then looked around the air, but couldn’t see Tomahawk-One’s jet anywhere. KA-BOOM! I hear an explosion! I looked down and saw Tomahawk-One’s jet on the floor.
“Tomahawk-One is down! I repeat, Tomahawk-One is down!”.

I saw a green flash go by my jet. It blew up when it hit the ground. I looked up and saw a flying squarish cube with weird markings on it, coming out of a larger ship. “Tomahawk-Two here, uhh what’s that?”
I did a turn on my jet and went behind the flying object. I shot a rocket at it, and shot it down. I heard base control say
“Good shot, looks like you shot that thing down!”
I then realized that I have about 5 minutes worth of fuel left so I radioed for clearance to reload and refuel. “You have clearance to land Tomahawk-Six” replied Base Control. As I refueled and restocked. I started to think what was that? After thinking for about 20 minutes, there came a final conclusion. Aliens…

“Jet’s refueled and restocked sir, I also found the gas leak explaining why your jet ran out of fuel” the engineer said. The jet started up and flew into the airspace. I saw the alien ship and thought. Maybe they don’t know that we are friendly. How would they know if we were peaceful. We always show our military strength everyday. No wonder they would attack us without question, kind of stupid if you would ask me. But how would I talk to them? I then thought of a peace greeting hologram that NASA had made if we were able to find extraterrestrials. I radioed my team “Tomahawk-Six reporting, I believe that the aliens think that we are going to hurt them, hold your fire for as long as you can!” Then all of my squad members said “Copy that”.

I radioed Base and told them to give me the extraterrestrial hologram from NASA. While I got a helicopter ready to fly to their mothership and show them we mean no harm. The base radioed back. “We have the hologram, sending it to your computer.” “RazorBlade-One reporting, received the hologram” as the hologram was downloaded and I put it onto a holographic disc. The helicopter flew off Codename: RazorBlade. “RazorBlade-One reporting, keep these tangoes off me for now.” “Tomahawk-Five and Three coming to assist, over.” We flew off into the mothership and Tomahawk-Five and Three started to bait the ships away from our helicopter, took the holographic disc and played it inside the mothership, and then blue, red, and yellow cubes appeared from the disc, then some faces of humans, our galaxy, planet, and resources were displayed. The mothership replied with the same thing, except different colors, and faces that . The cube-like jets stopped fighting and flew back inside, causing me to smile and know that they most likely meant peace. The jet let out a large sound, and flew out of sight. My squad members cheering in the frequency, and I returned to base. “Maybe they’ll come back to ally with us.” Tomahawk-Five pointed out, “Yeah, they might, and hopefully no retaliation” I hoped, and they won’t want to fight the Earth, wherever their planet is. Let’s send this shot down ship to NASA so they can decide where this thing came from.” Tomahawk-Two said. Guys!!, Someone in the distance yelled. I looked in the distance and saw our captain/Team leader, “Tomahawk-One”. He was wounded but he was then treated and was ready and back on his feet.

The author's comments:
I like to write about fiction and action stories. I hope people will get a good sense and love of fiction/action stories.

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