What Matters | Teen Ink

What Matters

January 15, 2014
By Adam_Beal BRONZE, Blairsville, North Carolina
Adam_Beal BRONZE, Blairsville, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is not about making a lot of money or having a lot of things it is about family and changing lives. There are many things that matter to people but most of those things are lust and inanamant objects. People don’t see as deep as they need to, like how is the decision you make today going to change your life in the future. Every decision matters whether it’s a simple life decision like where you want to eat or a big decision like a new house or job. The way I see it is that nothing matters as much as family and whether you are choosing a new job or not family is never going to change.

No matter how stable your fanatical situation is or how stable your home life is there is always something to strive for. One day in class my teacher was asking us about doing any community work, well we got on to the subject of homeless people and how they could better themselves. Then she told us about a friend of hers that she knew from the homeless shelter. She was working there serving food and this man comes up looking perfectly normal with his family and their new looking clothes on. She says hey and serves them their food thinking their just getting free food. Well after seeing them for a couple of weeks she asks what their story was and how did they become homeless. He tells her that they were well off at one time before the economy broke down and they had to sell their house and get a smaller one; then they had to sell one of their cars then he lost his job…. just one thing after another and he ended up in a homeless shelter along with his kids and wife.

After a year went by he got a job working at McDonalds and he bought a car. Then he eventually got a management position and could afford a house. He is now back on his feet supporting his family. What I am trying to say is that no matter what hard comings are upon you or walls you have hit you have got to strive to be the best person you can be and live a life you like to live not one you are just living.

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