The Path Unknown | Teen Ink

The Path Unknown

January 31, 2014
By BRONZE, New Delhi, Other BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
You reap what you sow.

I must have seen the dream for almost a thousand times now. It’s always the same. Thunder clad dark skies, the rain pouring down, and the lonely person walking all by himself on the path unknown. He’s scared, scared of losing himself on the way. But he knows that he must go on, because that is how he will reach his destination, his final position and all his pain and sufferings will come to an end.
I can feel a shiver going down his back, as he gazes at the dark path lying ahead of him. There is nothing but the puddles and the dead leaves, lying there to dirty him, to slow him down. Sometimes he does slow down and feels he won’t be able to go on anymore. But the voice inside him gnaws at his mind. That tiny ray of hope pushes him ahead, only to fall into total darkness.
I can feel his helplessness as he searches for some support, something to hold onto, but alas, he finds none. All he knows is that he must go on.
As he trudges along the path, the puddles dirtying him, destroying his fine appearance, he is reminded of all that he has endured. He wants to stop, wants to rest for a while and forget everything, but the clock’s ticking and the path seems to be disappearing. And, he must go on.
The path seems endless, and he has been walking for a long time now. All his senses seem to be disappearing and he cannot understand his journey anymore. The memories and words are crowded and it’s as if his head might burst any moment. It’s too much to bear. But amidst all this, he hears the voice tell him to not stop and go on.
I can feel the man’s desperation to attain his goal. There were times when he felt he had reached it, but a turn of fate always put him back in the shadows. His enlightment still seems miles away and the path never ending.
Just as he begins to lose the remainder of his hope, he sees it coming. It is quite near to him. But now, he doesn’t know if he has the strength left to go on. I can feel his despair on not being able to gather his remaining strength and reach his final goal.
He’s losing his vision, his mind, the world seems to be swirling, everything is falling apart and he can’t feel his body anymore. And he falls, just inches away from what he had long strived to succeed, unable to fulfill his dream; and his hopes come crashing down, just like the rain beating down on his lifeless body.

The author's comments:
It's a piece of my heart, something i wrote long back.
This is not just a dream, this is the journey of a lot many of us.
We may not always achieve what we want, but it is important to keep in mind that it is the journey that matters, not the final goals. What matters is what you learn along the way.

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