Bully | Teen Ink


February 6, 2014
By Daniela_m BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Daniela_m BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you see that girl walking down the street
she is lonely at heart,but smiles even though she is weak
she hears people laughing and she cant help but think that they are laughing at her

that boy you just made fun of for coming out, has finally built the courage to just say it out loud... he goes home everyday to an abuser, always getting called a gay loser

why must you hurt the people that are already broken inside, dont you know how many tears they have cried, but you say that it doesn't mean a thing but how would you feel to be the bullied... instead of the bully

You think he is the suffer and silence type, but in reality he is incredibly bright, but all you care about is looks, judging him like he's a cover on a book

he said to me the other day: "how do you tell the ones that gave you live that maybe, you want to die?" i gave him a hug and started to cry

bullying hurts dont you see? you are nothing but a big bully don't you think of what could have been? what if they put a razor to their skin? what if they wrote a note to say goodbye? and their family and friends were left wondering why?

why must you hurt the people that already broken inside, dont you know how many tears they have cried, but you say that it doesn't mean a thing but how would you feel to be the bullied..... instead of the bully


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