What becomes of me, when you stop listening? | Teen Ink

What becomes of me, when you stop listening?

March 7, 2014
By xthebookthief BRONZE, Plano, Texas
xthebookthief BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I collapsed onto the floor with a scream as the screen blanked out. My mind frantically screaming for him to come back and my mouth shouting the words all around me. No one could move or speak as they watched the scene of my body crumbling before them. The air that was in my chest was constricted by a never ending pain that shot its way throughout my body. Sobs broke free from my mouth as I yelled his name over and over again. I was desperate for his touch as the sobs wrecked through me sounding like a broken record. I kept hoping that screaming his name would bring him back to me. Without him I am nothing.

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