Black & White | Teen Ink

Black & White

March 28, 2014
By Anonymous

6th Grade

There as a time where I knew everyone and everyone was my friend. But that was last year, lots of things have happened. I think it was the worst idea moving schools, but mom didn’t wasn’t me to get into any more fights. I was hurt by the lack of faith she has in me. My first day in Mrs. Mangus class. As I walked in she said “You’re the new kid from San Francisco right? Didn’t think you’d be black.” I was the only black kid in the class. Everyone as white.

7th Grade

My first year in Junior High and I’m already getting pushed around by some white kids! Still can’t believe my mom moved us to Mississippi. All my teachers harangue me by calling me “N*****” behind my back. They think I’m oblivious to their words, but they are wrong.

8th Grade

A new kid from Georgia came into my math class today. The thing is he’s black. I knew when him we’d be good friends and I is aw knew we bolster each other.

9th Grade

Well I’m used to this all white town. But at least I have someone to talk to. Thank god there is another black family. I think I would have ran away if I was alone. The other day I and Jed got into a fight with some white boys. We won, but at what cost? Of course the principal didn’t believe us when we said that they started the fight. I had to hamper Jed from punching the principal square in the jaw. White people I guess…
10th Grade

Things are changing for me and Jed, I can feel it. The white folk are beginning to talk to us ever since we joined the football team. I scored the winning touchdown at our last game, that’s when Elizabeth came up to me. She replete me with feelings I cant describe!

11th Grade

Elizabeth and I have been together for almost a year now. It’s crazy, id never thought a white girl would like me, let alone date me! Mama thinks shes real nice. Its nice to see a white girl not call me a “N*****”.

12th Grade

I really hate my life right now. I can tell Elizabeth and I’s relationship is growing tedium, and Jed thinks it’s my fault that his brother got jumped by those white kids! I was repudiated from the football team because of my grades and I was caught smoking a blunt underneath the bleachers. My life was amazing but became bad in an Ephemeral, What happened?

10 year reunion

Seeing everyone again is pretty weird. I saw Elizabeth and Jed earlier, It turns out they’re married with 3 kids. Who would’ve thought? It kind of made me feel abrasive but I’m happy for them though. I guess When I got kicked out of the house after I graduated was kind of a wakeup call for me. Now look at me… I’m a lawyer with a beautiful wife and a soon to be baby girl. I wonder where my life might’ve looked like if I actually believed everyone back in High school. Good thing I never gave up.

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