diversity | Teen Ink


April 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Diversity education should be encouraged. Diversity is what makes people unique and should be appreciate more and respect others for being different.

When someone is prejudice, they are not very educated on diversity. When the officer states “ aint that a shame” he shoes how he judges the Geraldo before he even knows him because of his race. Which shows being prejudice of Mexicans.

After Esperanza realizes that a boy who she barley die in front of her, she asks her self “why does is matter”. Esperanza is probably thinking a poor Mexican boy who’s name I barely new died so why does it matter? If readers learned more about other cultures and races they would have more knowledge of why that person matter. He mattered because he’s a human being with a family, with wants, and a life.

Being education in diversity is important to help you realize that not every Mexican is the same, not every African American is the same, not every North Korean is the same. When the officer says “Just another wet-back”, not only is he assuming that all Mexicans are wet-backs , but he also uses an derogatory term.

Diversity education should be encouraged. Having more meaning for every human being will help you live friendlier and happier lives.

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