Misread | Teen Ink


May 16, 2014
By Busta347 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Busta347 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roger came home from a long day of learning at elementary school. He realized he had finished all of his homework at school so he didn’t need to do any work at home but the trouble was that he didn’t know what to do with all of this free time. So he thought and thought, seconds went by then minutes and then a few hours. The idea finally struck him, he would write a short story, but what would he write about? He thought to himself, what does he really like to do? The thing he liked to do most was walk his dog so that’s what he began writing about.

Writing the story didn’t take him that long. The length was about three pages. Within those pages he described his dog, the rout he takes when walking, and all of the neighbors that live on his street. As he walks down his street, he vividly describes each neighbor and utilizes all the facts that he knows about each neighbor and works them into the story. Once he was done, he showed it to his parents, then his fifth grade teacher, then the teacher submits it to a writing contest and the story works its way around the world eventually reaching up to national recognition. The story was all over the news, different views fly all around the air like planes without a flight schedule. “The controversial story that shows how dysfunctional the world is a whole...” “Story rocks the U.S. by stating that neither political parties are patriots...” “Short story suggests Russian takeover of India...”

This story receive so many opinionated definition, Roger was called in front of the U.N. to explain his book to the representatives of all the nations of the world. He walks in and stood in front of the many representatives with a look of confusion. He didn’t understand why his story was causing such a stir in the world. Someone asks, “What is the purpose of your story?”

Roger looked at all of them with a look of innocence and says “It’s about me walking my dog and telling about my neighbors.”
“Okay, but the deeper meaning is about the fundamentals of economics of the world?”

Ideas shot back and forth but no ground was covered at all so Roger left and went home. When he arrived and went straight to his room and re-read his story over and over but could see anything that all the others were seeing in the book. He didn’t understand; it’s just a story about him walking his dog and talking about his neighbors. He put the story down and turns on the T.V. and sees the headline “World War III starts because of the meaning of a short story that can’t be deciphered. He turned off the news and went to bed. “Its just about walking a dog.” he said.

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