The New Recipe | Teen Ink

The New Recipe

May 30, 2014
By Anonymous

“You want sugar or just plain tea?” asked Evelyn as she explored the cabinet shelves for artificial sweetening just in case her guest committed the cardinal sin of preferring any kind of tea to sweet tea.
“I would like sugar tea, please.” The guest decided.
Just then, Evelyn realized that there is no sugar left but a grain. She was about to say that they were out of it until, she had an idea.
“I can make it a new way.” She planned.
So Evelyn started searching the cabinet shelves once more and found brown sugar. She poured in about the same amount that she would for the normal sugar, mixed the tea up, and then handed the delicious smelling tea to the customer. Evelyn waits for a response from her guest as he sipped the tea. The guest stared at her.
“Hmmm….” The guest responded.
Evelyn was starting to get impatient.
“Well, what do you think?”
“This is the best tea that I have ever tasted! Everyone, come try it!”
Soon, everyone in the tea shop was waiting in line to try out Evelyn’s new invention.

A couple minutes later when everything was settled, the people started asking how she made it. Evelyn wasn’t sure whether to tell or not. The crowd started to get louder and more demanding, that they forced the truth out of her.
Once all of that was over and everyone left, Evelyn was so tired out that she couldn’t more her arms and legs and she had a headache. She closed the shop early.

A few days later, Evelyn comes downstairs in the morning with to make a coffee and grab a newspaper. She sits in her back porch and opens the newspaper. On the very top of the newspaper said “New coffee invention, made by John C. Fradley. Come down by the shop, Tea Loves Me, and try out the new mysterious tea!”
Evelyn froze with shock, she had just realized that the costumer that she was helping in the first place, had been the manager at the other tea shop down the block. He was there when she blurted it out, and he has stolen her credit! Evelyn realizes that what she did had been wrong, and now more people will go to the other tea shop.
“I am doomed.”

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