The 100$ dollar story | Teen Ink

The 100$ dollar story

June 4, 2014
By Anonymous

A man came up to me and said, ’’Sir you look awfully tired and you must be cold on this fine day of december.”
The mans name is Gory and he is very rich and just last year some say that he gave 100$ to a man who wrote a book. In my mind he was just some other dumb folk who liked to brag about being so rich and powerful. At the time he seemed like a nice young fellow but that would soon change he would later be my greatest friend.
I replied to his question, ” No, Sir I was just enjoying this beautiful afternoon away from work.” Gory nodded with delight.
”And why are you sir happy on this fine afternoon”, the asked Gory.
Gory said, ”I decided to take a walk then I saw you here sitting on this bench and I thought in my head that, that fellow must be very kind and has to be very cold to be out like this.”
The man replied in thanks.
This mans name was Paul Maktre. He unlike mister Gory was part of the poor community but new that money just brings trouble so he was quite nervous when mister Gory came over. Why you ask well we know that Paul is poor but it wasn’t always like this. If we go back to his childhood his parents were rich movie stars and that they put him under adoption.
The very next day Paul went to work in the factory where he made his living. Then after coming back to his house on Farewell Street a small boy at the age of 7-8 came up to him and asked ,“ Sir would you be kind enough to donate me and my family 12 cents” and he just replied ,” 12 cents wouldn’t get you a peice of bread.”
So instead of giving the boy 12 cents he gave him 90 cents and the boy got really happy and left saying that he would pray for Paul.
Paul had to get up really early the next morning because the bus fare goes up when there are more people. So there goes Paul opens the door and directly hits the sidewalk. Yes, as you can guess Paul and his family have no front yard. He is walking down the street when a dog starts barking and comes over in curiosity and sniffs his hand. Paul bends down to let the dog sniff his hand and the dog sniffs his hand cautiously. The dog seeming to be satisfied with their little reunion leaves him in the morning light, along, out in the open and he starts walking down the street to the bus.
He arrives at the factory and is surprised that no ones there but then again why would anyone be there. There he is going to an old looking telephone box. He opens it and presses the light switch and the conveyor belt and it the mist of all the creaking and cracking he sees it. A 100$ bill just sitting there. Should I take it. No, ill wait for the others and I’ll ask whom it belongs to. Then there was Gory.
“Oh dear god don't hurt me sir.” says Paul.
“Why what gives you the thought that I am here to kill you.” replies Gory
“Because you have placed a 100$ bill right over there as a trap.” Paul exclaims
“I would do no such thing” he says.
“Am I the chosen one” Paul asks in an scared but normal voice.
and Gory replies in only one word “Yes.”

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