Conceded | Teen Ink


June 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Once Upon a Time… a handsome kind and beautiful queen had a daughter. The kingdom considered her perfect in every way. She has long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes that perfectly matched a clear sky on a bright summer day.

At the age of thirteen she was greeted by an evil witch who believed beauty was all that mattered in life. The young princess had not seen all of the harshness in the world but believe everyone and everything had beauty inside their heart.

The witch, knowing that, casted a spell on the young princess causing her to believe beauty on the outside was all that’s important in life. The “perfect” princess was never the same from that moment on.

When the princess reached the age of eighteen she began to care more about her appearance and what other thought about her. Her parents explained to her that she must wed within the next or their family will lose the kingdom. But Princess Lilian isn’t quite so sure she wants to be betroved to anyone. She believes she is perfect and no one will ever be perfect enough to fit in her life. According to the Princess though, losing the kingdom would be a far greater embarrassment than marrying someone who is less perfect than herself. Princes came from all over the world to try and gain the approval from the pretentious Princess, but everyone seemed to be striking out terribly. Men gave her jewels, diamonds, pets, new clothes, and gold, but nothing satisfied Princess Lilian. The days were quickly passing and Princess Lilian was running out of time to find her husband. She then made a decision that would change her life forever. She ran away from the Kingdom. Lilian knew that shed have to marry one of those losers or she would lose the castle and be and embarrassment to her family.

After collecting all of her most priced possessions the Princess left the castle at the stroke of twelve and ventured off into the wondrous woods.

The author's comments:
It was inspired by my creative writing class.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 15 2014 at 8:22 pm
Z.V.Oksana PLATINUM, Harrison, Arkansas
22 articles 1 photo 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there&#039;s a tomorrow. Maybe for you there&#039;s one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it.<br /> But for some of us there&#039;s only today. And the truth is, you never really know.&rdquo; <br /> ― Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

I like the story line :) Nicely written. I would have liked it to be somewhat longer, and have an ending with more closure. I feel like there should be more to this story.