Unforgotten | Teen Ink


June 2, 2014
By Karleigh BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
Karleigh BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

It was a normal day, just like any other. I was bored at school with nothing to do during my second period study hall. So of course, I went to the library. There were two kids there, that’s it. At first, I sat on the green couch and checked my planner to make sure I had no work due. After, I decided to check out some books. There was this new one called The Host and I had been dying to read it. I also grabbed two other ones, The Last Song, and Unforgotten. I was into reading non-fiction and fantasy at the time so the book Unforgotten was something new to me. It was realistic fiction.
The book cover seemed real sketchy, I didn’t really understand the picture but I figured I would figure it
out eventually. It was a young girl with a teddy bear in her hand; she was smiling and drowning…

I started the book that afternoon when I got home from school. It was kind of slow within the first few chapters. Then when I hit chapter four, bam, all the excitement came. The book was almost depressing. It started out as her living a happy life, in a big old cabin with her family. They had dinner together every night, she was home schooled and got along great with her parents. Her name was Katherine. And Katherine was a sad person.

Katherine’s life took a turn for the worst. She was being abused by her parents. She wanted to end her life, find some way to get help.

I got to page 111 and found a note. A note that said:


“Today has been one of my worst days. They barely let me eat. Not only did they physically abuse me, but sexually too. Why me? What did I ever do to them? I think I might be able to run away, but where will I go? I would have no idea what direction to go in. They have never even let me out of the house. It hurt; what they did to me. I never thought mama and daddy could hurt someone like me. I thought I was their little princess. I guess not. I don’t know what to do anymore. I wish I had a cell phone. All of these thoughts in my head, I wish I could just end my life and give up. It would be the easiest thing to do. The front door just opened, the people I hate are home. I hope they don’t hurt me again. I will write before I go to sleep. For now,

What should I think of this? Should I do something? It was only a couple months ago that the letter was dated. Who was the girl? I don’t know what to think. I couldn’t find a name or anything but I took I still took it to the police. They laughed at me, the police, laughed at me. They said this is probably a joke. I tried to tell them and convince them that it wasn’t. they wouldn’t budge. I wanted to go look for this girl, and help her, but where would I start?

I never found the girl and no one ever did anything about it. After, I realized she was definitely unforgotten.

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