You Found Me | Teen Ink

You Found Me

September 12, 2014
By MarinaBrubacher BRONZE, Tillsonburg, Other
MarinaBrubacher BRONZE, Tillsonburg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I see things, that&#039;s all. Write enough stories and every shadow on the floor looks like a footprint; every line in the dirt like a secret message.&rdquo; <br /> ― Stephen King, Bag of Bones

We spend our lives trying to understand the reasoning for our existence. A


simple question will ponder your mind until your driven mad by the


unanswerable mystery. My life story is kind of hard to explain, because I’ve


spent my life trapped in a lonely mind. I’ve twisted my thoughts and my mind  


has driven me mad. I can’t tell you anything specific about myself because I


don’t know who I am yet, but I’m working on it because someone brought me


back to reality, my savior if you will.



Ever since I was a child, all I did was wonder. My mind is a constant cycle of


questions, memories and constant worries. I would say I have an active


imagination but I don’t think that is an accurate way of describing it. I think I


would call myself, different, independent and very weak. I allow my mind to take


over everything because I don’t have the courage to stand up for myself, even


against myself. Every breath I breathe gets colder and every thought slowly eats


away at me. So much can happen in such a short amount of time and time goes


by too fast. So here is where my story will begin. I hope you it will teach your


something in the end.



I watch the glistening stars shine in the empty sky from my bedroom window; I


count them as if each were led astray to the wondering darkness. I can hear my


parents whispering with disappointment in their voices as I close my delicate


eyes to sleep. A lullaby no longer; instead a silent weep. Each morning I wake


with blood shot eyes and put my headphones in as my day begins again. I pull


myself from the comfort of my bed and stand to begin another day. The school


bell rings, but it doesn’t matter. I push myself through the hallways and into the


classroom, rushing to my seat as if a million eyes lay upon me. It begins to get


louder; the thoughts in my head are stronger when I can’t rely on the music to


put them to rest. I will explain my actions and not my thoughts because I don’t


want to confuse you. My day goes on without a change, hearing the cries of pain


from everyone around me. They hurt and I can’t stop it, so instead I hurt for


them. There is that ringing again, please make it stop! I want the memories to


stop. I walk home trying to brush off the pain of my broken heart and put my


headphones in again to calm my mind. It eats away at me like acid even when no


words are spoken. I open the door to a silent house, alone again. I drop


everything on the floor and drag myself up the stairs and into my room. I am


hoping that maybe tonight will be different and my mind will ease, but the odds


are against me. Before I rest my weary eyes, I twist the lock, consume


a handful of pills (maybe a few more then I should) and bury myself beneath the


blankets to soothe my ice cold skin. I wish upon a star every night that I will find


someone who can save me from myself. A wish filled with doubt and deceit but


still a wish worth holding on to. As I walk myself to school the next morning, I


hear a soft whisper coming from behind me and as I turn around, I notice the


voice is directed at me. She can’t be speaking to me, but she is. I respond


without hesitation and offer nothing less than a kind smile. As I begin to start a


conversation, I am forced to withdraw. I stop myself while in the middle of a


sentence and walk briskly the opposite direction. I didn’t even give her a chance


to tell me who she was, but it doesn’t matter because I already know all that I


need to know. I can’t stop myself from walking away from any possible


dangerous situation and I can’t allow myself to make friends because I will only


hurt them. Every step I walk further away from her slowly tears at my heart. I


slowly spin myself around and apologize for my rude actions. I hope this will not


be a decision to regret.



Throughout the night I could not forget that sweet angel I had met today and I


know I cannot change what has already been done, but maybe I shouldn’t have


allowed myself to turn around once more. She had unforgettable eyes, a sweet


and delicate smile, and the warmth of her heart seeped through her delicate


skin. I wanted to speak with her once more, so I decided to search for her


tomorrow; I decided to search for the sweet angel I had met today. I let myself


fade into the darkness of the night as I pondered the question of why she said


hello to me today. Could it have been a mistake, or would my wish finally come


true? A soft smirk appears on my face when I hear the buzzing of my alarm


because now I have a reason to wake. I find myself in a dark place when I


notice she has disappeared. Where could she have gone? Was this all in my


imagination? My day progresses as usual, until once more I hear the soft


whisper from behind me, but this time it was during class. I turn myself around


without hesitating and our conversation begins once more. Her name is Alice,


and this is a name that I shall never forget.



It’s been a few weeks now and Alice and I have been inseparable, she was the


best friend I never had. I had never known how it felt to be truly loved until


these past couple of weeks. She was able to turn my nothing into something and


she was truly a savior. Until it hit me, what if this wasn’t real? This could all be


a lie; a projection within my complex mind. The thoughts are overwhelming


and it’s hard to keep up. What if my entire life is a lie? A simple lie could


be the foundation of my existence. I begin to question everything I have ever


known until I come up with a solution to solve the endless pain engraved upon


my mind. If I was to die, this would all go away. I will be able to take away the


heart ache with this one simple solution. The only question now, is how?



I begin to sing to myself a lullaby that begins to soothe my mind. My heart is


racing now and there is a sharp sound ringing in my head. I can’t just leave. She


needs to know that this is not her fault, it is far from her fault. So I begin to


write my goodbye. As I write, I begin to whisper the words aloud as tears drip


down my pale white face.



“Oh timeless end, how sweet the sound of the angels voice whispering in my


ear. I know I have done you wrong, but I hope you know of forgiveness. For


even though, tonight I shall go, loosen the ropes bound tightly against your skin,


and set free the delicate soul beneath. For even though, tonight I shall go, my


dear this shall not be goodbye, but a sweet forever farewell...”



Tears stains begin to seep through the paper until the words are almost


unreadable. I curl myself into a ball and block the beautiful memories that could


possibly change my mind. Could I run away, or would I be easily found again by


the darkness of my mind? Blood begins to drip from my arm as I realize my


fingernails have clawed them bare of skin and I find myself trapped in this black


hole of despair. I close my eyes and scream with all that I have until suddenly I


can’t hear my voice any longer. Everything becomes empty and I am left with


nothing but a piercing white light surrounding me. I spend what seems like


eternity in this emptiness and for once, I feel happy. I feel no pain, no heart


ache, no worry, no death, no deceit, I feel nothing. I feel as if I could spend


forever caressed in the emptiness that I have never known. My peace is


interrupted by the soft whisper of a voice and a light shining directly upon me. I


feel a nudge and my eyes burst open. Why do I feel so alone? Why do I feel like


I am somewhere unfamiliar? Where has the peace gone? All my questions


become answered when I hear an unfamiliar voice explain to me that I wasn’t at


home, because I was in the hospital.



I was told that I had a heart attack and my heart was very weak. Apparently I


had fallen when my heart attack occurred and I was put in a coma for several


days; enough days to make the peaceful emptiness soothe my deeply destroyed


mind. I found Alice asleep by my bed and my parents were nowhere to be found.


She awakes and begins explaining to me that she had found the note I wrote, and


she wasn’t ready to say goodbye. She came by to visit me every day after


school and in between my therapy sessions. Whenever she went away, things


began to fall apart again so I needed her. Everyone needs somebody, if not a


savior, a friend. Everybody needs someone to repair the damage done within


them. We all need to be loved and we all need to love in return. Sometimes a


permanently damaged mind and heart can be caused by a simple goodbye, and


sometimes everything can be turned around if you find the courage within you to


say hello.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece from true life events. Making the aquaintence of my best friend changed my life around and I would like to share my story with as many people as I can. It is not a true or factual story by all means but my inspiration of love came from the loving people around me. Thank you for taking the time to hopefully look over this piece which I had written a couple years ago. 

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This article has 1 comment.

chin chin said...
on Sep. 19 2014 at 8:44 pm
Very compelling and dramatic piece.
Captures all of your attention.