The Ride | Teen Ink

The Ride

October 6, 2014
By Kendog BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Kendog BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. - Kurt Cobain

I wake up cold lying in my bed, staring at the clock that has a consistent beep coming from it, it says 6:00am, the average time I set my alarm at to start my day off. I usually spring out of bed but no springing was done today, I just lay silently in my room with my eyes shut as I drown out the alarm going on and off. The snooze button isn’t even worth pressing because at this point I am barely even conscious. I finally turn my alarm off, get out of bed and walk over to the shower. The water is usually what helps me wake up and get ready for the rest of the day. I get done with my shower, get dressed, put on my boots and pull my jeans over them. Then I put on my jacket and check the clock one more time, it says 6:30 and my bus usually pulls down my street at 6:31 so I open my door, and see the yellow block rolling down my street, flashing red lights and all. I don’t think the driver saw me at first because it looked hesitant to stop. The bus finally gets to a full stop, the two doors slide open with that initial squeaking that well… every bus makes. I step on “how ya doing this mornin’ son?” says the driver “pretty good how about yourself?” I say and get no response, I’m not going to say anything though because the driver seems to be getting to that age where he honestly might not have heard me. I find my seat, pull my bag over my shoulder and set it down on the rest of the seat that I’m not taking up. Look back to see if there’s anyone I might have to strike a conversation with cause who likes that, I see nobody. I see the glass that is slightly stained from the morning dew and I can lightly see my reflection, Damnn I look good. We stop at a red light and I see a cop car racing down the street with sirens on but I don’t know what its chasing, so I let my eyes follow it more until it turns down a street where a house blocks my view. As the light turns green we drive for another 5 minutes until we finally reach our destination. I see a sign that reads “marine military summer camp”. I think to myself, how did I end up here? I guess all those days of bad doing where bound to catch up, so why not make the best out of it, The bus driver says “were here” and the bus starts to slow down then eventually comes to a complete stop. The doors open and I walk down the aisle.  

The author's comments:

I had to write a short story for my Creative Writing class... and here it is, dont be judgemental because im not the best writer ever, but enjoy.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 13 2014 at 1:26 pm
Lynlikesthings PLATINUM, Highland Heights, Ohio
22 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
We few, we happy few

Really great job Kenny! You've really improved since the beginning of the year even though it's only been a month. Although first person isn't really the best way to tell a story, you did well!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!