The Bully | Teen Ink

The Bully

November 12, 2014
By Karl N BRONZE, Nowhere, Pennsylvania
Karl N BRONZE, Nowhere, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

James shoved me into the locker, continued to beat me up and stuff me in it. I knew that my teacher would hang my butt on his mantle if I was late one more time, even though I was being bullied. He thought it was a lazy excuse and has put me in detention 3 times for being late to class repeatedly. Luckily my ADHD/ Aspergers combo helped me figure a way out fast. I disabled the lock using a pencil I jammed in and proceeded to limp painfully with a bloody nose and a possibly broken arm.

As soon as I got out of the locker, rage overcame me and I felt the need to fight James back. But, I remembered what I had been told by a wise man, “bullies only want you to react to the bullying, if you give them a reaction, they’ll just keep bullying you.” So, I calmed down and proceeded to my next class, the dreaded Spanish class!
After class, I went to go get my lunch as cautiously as I could, hoping not to get caught by James the bully. It’s too late! I see him coming and start to run a teacher stops me and forces me to walk back down the hall and straight into James.

“Sup’ David, I saw you avoiding me and wanting to ‘hang out’ with your ‘friends’ so I decided to stop that, ha ha!” James says while chuckling

“Don’t I’ll give you money, anything!” I reply.
James didn’t accept the offer; he stuffed me into my locker and told me to eat in there. Afterwards, I finally realized that I’ve had enough of these months of torture from this guy. I was going to tell the principal.
“So David, who has been bullying you?” asked the principle.
“James” I answered.
“Okay, David, James will get a punishment for doing this.”

After that, I was no longer bullied by James and he apologized and said he would never do it again. I finally was able to live without the constant stress of bullies. I was free from a huge stresser in my daily life! It made me feel like I would be able to have friends again.

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