Money Chasers | Teen Ink

Money Chasers

November 12, 2014
By Bobby Albertson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Bobby Albertson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Suddenly a pain goes through my head as I ran.  I fell straight to the pavement.  George had just tackled me. 

"Give me the money", he yelled.
   "No," I yelled back.  He started punching me.  "Mom," I yelled.  "I'm going to school on my bike."
  It isn't a long ride but I do this every day because I am poor and I don't own a car.
I shout, "Hey George" as I walk in the school.
  "Hey," he replied
   "What class are you going to"? I asked.
  "Math," he said.
   "Cool," I said.
  "How about you"? he asked.
   "Social Studies," I said.
  "Lucky," he said in awe.
   "Yea it's the best," I bragged.  I had to get to class.
    "I'll see you in English," he said.
   "See ya bro," I said as George walked away.

It was 5th period which was activity.  George and I usually go play basketball.  George came running to me with an odd look on his face and a bulging pocket.  He told me to come back inside where there were no people around.  He pulled out a big was of cash.  "Robby look what I found," George said quietly.

   "Woa," I said.  "How much"? I asked.
   "Three hundred," George said.  "Don't tell anyone though," he said.
   "Ok," I replied.

I went back to playing basketball and then went in for some food.  Today's lunch was pancakes.  Yum I thought to myself.  Sitting next to George, none of us spoke though.  After lunch I went to gym class.  The unit was basketball which was my favorite.  The only problem was that we do bad drills because some kids don't even know how to dribble.  My teacher told us to start dribbling around the room as warm up.  I dribbled fiercely doing it in between the legs.  The smooth grippy ball sliding off my hands through my legs like a football going through a field goal.

We next did a shooting drill for the rest of the class.  After class a girl named Faith walked up as I was walking out and said, "Robby you are really good at basketball."  I said thank you.  We were both going to the same class so we had small talk about classes and our teachers.  She and I agreed our English teacher was the best.  As we walked into English we were handed a paper we had to write a short story.

I immediately knew what my story was going to be about.  I started writing the rough draft.  My idea was two friends live daily lives but a problem occurs and something goes down but I don't know what the conflict is.  The bell rang and I bolted.  After school I was walking with George and I asked him, "Can I have some of that money?"

   He said, "No, are you stupid."
   "But I am poor," I begged.
   "Do I care" he said meanishly.
  "Fine" I grabbed the money and started to run.

I ran even though I knew I wasn't doing the right thing.  I needed the money though.  Suddenly pain ran through my head as a I ran.  I fell straight down on the pavement.  I started to bleed.  I tried to get up but I noticed that George had tackled me and was lying on top of me.  I punched him and he slammed me on the ground again.  Then I stuck out my foot and tripped him.  "Noooo," I yelled as the money fell down a drain on the street.  I jumped up and ran home.  George and I were bloody and beat up.  How was I going to explain this to my parents.

I got home and my puppy started licking the blood off of me.  "Ewww stop," I said to Remmi.  I knew he couldn't understand me.  I went into the kitchen and sat in a chair.  My mom walked in the door and she gasped.  "Robby what happened," she said.

   "I got in a fight," I said honestly.
   "With who," she asked.
   "George," I replied.
  "What, how?" she said confused.
   "Over three hundred dollars" I said.
  "You better go apologize.  I am very disappointed.  You shouldn't have left greed get in the way of thinking." she said.
  "I know and I'm sorry" I said.

I cleaned myself up and went to George's house.  I rang the door bell hoping they weren't there.  George came to the door and I immediately apologized.  I said that the money got in my head and I got greedy.  I should have never taken the money.  George told me that he should have left the money and that it got in the way of our friendship.  He also said that he was a little greedy and wanted it for himself.  Then I left feeling better.  I knew that it would take a while for us to trust each other again but it is better than nothing.

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