Friday's Prank | Teen Ink

Friday's Prank

November 18, 2014
By Jdkaz BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jdkaz BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
-Abraham Lincoln

“Wow! If Mrs.Snamy really knew where I, was boy would she be ticked off.” Johnny thought about this as he walked to the commons, where he met up with Alex.  “Hey Alex, do you have the extremely hot, hot sauce?” Johnny asked. 

“No Johnny, I definitely do not have the hot sauce,” he said sarcastically as he took the hot sauce out of his pocket. 

“Okay, good.  I will go shut off the water system while you make the ho- I mean ‘complimentary’ coffee ready.”  As Johnny dashed for the boiler room, threw the Drama hall, then into the library, which he stumbled upon his teacher, Mrs.Snamy, who was looking for him in the library ,thats a first he said to himself.  Then finally, when Johnny got to the boiler room, he jiggled the doorknob.  “Doors locked,” he said to himself.  “Oh wait!  I have the set of keys from Mr.Brown, our old janitor, but that’s a different story.”  When Johnny was done, he locked the door and dashed for the commons, picking up speed every step he took.  Then stopped in his tracks - it was Mrs.Snamy.  He had thought she gave up looking for him the first time he had passed her.  Now he knew he was dead. 

“Ahh hi Mrs.Snamy how are you?” he asked. 
She snapped back at him. “Cut it out!  Where were you?” she asked harshly

“Ahh I helped Mr.Vento move things to his room in the eighth grade hall.” 

“Ok you just better be back in ten otherwise I am going to call your parents since this is the fourth time in one week.”
“Ok got it ten minutes.”  “Wow that was close a little too close.”  He thought to himself.   “Alex I’m back we got to do this in ten minutes or I am doomed” Johnny panicked

“Well then I guess it is a good thing that I am done, huh”  As Alex and Johnny walked down the drama hall, they had him now.  He was sleeping in a chair in the hallway, with drool hanging down his lip.

“Okay Alex Switch the two coffees and then put the camera in that corner over there.” “Got it.” “Yep” Alex replied.  “Now to wake him up” “with what” Alex replied “A air horn” Arrrrrrrrrrr, the Sound of the air horn blew so loud it took the school out of it’s place, especially since it was the end of the week.

  “Hey Mrs.Snamy I was back in half the time you told me”

“Yes you were, but did you have anything to do with that air horn.”

“No” “Ok fine”.  Mrs.Snamy returned to teaching, but it was too late the bell rang.

“Johnny do you think we will get caught” Alex yelled threw the lockers slamming.  “No don’t think so” Johnny said as they walked back to the scene of the prank.

“Gone, Alex the camera is gone” “and the coffee is spilt on the floor too” Alex added as they were talking Mr.Huguely walked up behind them quite as a mouse and said “So you two are the hot sauce prankers aren't you” Come to my office now both of you.” he marched angrily to his office.

“You see Mr.Huguely” “Nope save it” he snapped “I know what it is like to be a prankster in the 7th grade too when I to school here I was the one who was pranking including Mrs.Snamy.” so he went on “you guys need to respect us teachers, we are here to help you not babysit quote Mrs.Snamy and she probably already told you too.  Also you see the no parking sign on my door think of it as a sign that if you disobey it you get in trouble.” he explained “now will you respect us” he pleaded
“On one condition you do not call our parents.” they both pleaded.  The principal thought it was fair since they were both begging.  “I think we can arrange that” he exclaimed. 
They both walked out to the bus “Wow Johnny that meant nothing to me, how about you?” “Nope not a thing, wanna prank Snamy on Monday.” “Sounds good to me” replied Alex. 

“They are so dead when I launch some pies in their faces on monday” Mr.Huguely said excitedly “Aren't you to old to be pranking some 7th graders” said Deb their secretary “I will never be too old to be the prank master.” “Ok, weirdo” she said it like she had just seen a monkey that talks.  “I just hope they never prank again.” Mr.Huguely said sorrowfully.

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