The Girl at the Owl Bridge | Teen Ink

The Girl at the Owl Bridge

November 27, 2014
By graceyeo BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
graceyeo BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The girl was standing on the edge of the wooden platform of Owl Creek Bridge. Her long brown hair flowed in the wind against her soft emotionless face, while her empty looking, gray eyes gazed at the trees from afar. The view of the rapid water passing underneath her seemed so merciless and unforgiving that if she just dove in right now, she would be gone forever without a trace. Looking at her white laced chiffon skirt waving as she made each movement in suspense, she slowly stepped her foot off the bridge with the harsh force of cold air hitting her face, and headed to plunge right into the river that seemed to never end. The second right before she was about to end her life at the Owl Creek Bridge, that held her best memories and recalled to the latest one, It seemed ironic that at the exact same place of a windy, overcast day that she was having the most wonderful time with her beloved husband, John. As they were wandering together towards the bridge like they often did, he lightly grabbed her hand and interlocked it with hers. They fit perfectly together as if they were made for each other.
“I love you so dearly Jane,” she remembered John say. Oh and how deeply she was in love with him as well! She couldn’t have ever possibly found the exact words to describe how she truly felt, but she replied with
“I love you too”.
John was a very masculine guy with definite features like his deep hazel eyes, standing out to his dark, chestnut colored crew cut hair. When she had first met him, she was intimidated by his looks and felt like it would be pretty hard to open herself up to him, but once she got to really know him, that’s when she fell for him. Everything, even the small things like looking at his sharply structured jawline that clenched whenever he was frustrated, to his broad, wide shoulders that squeezed her petite body out of breath whenever he’d hug her made her feel like she had butterflies in her stomach all over again, just like the first time.
As they were slightly swinging their arm that held each other’s hand back and forth, they stepped on the platform of the Owl Creek Bridge to the sound of rustling leaves on the bushes by them. As they did so, both heard a loud, ear-piercing screeching noise that sounded like it might’ve came from an animal. Then as the screech led to an alarming sound of a gunshot fire, she turned to her side in panic to the view of her husband slowly falling to the ground, and hitting head first, with the pool of blood creating underneath the surface of  his shock filled face. He said no words but did grumble in the sharp and agonizing state of pain that he was in. Jane was astounded by how quickly all of this had happened.
“No, please, get up! Please, who did this? Why?” she screamed. Then the girl started to run back to the trail they had walked from looking for help. Her vision was blurry and her head was clouded with despairing thoughts. As she looked back to her shoulders she saw a strange man dressed in black appear out of the bushes and drag a blood covered body by the ankles. She then stood there in shock while the man continue to drag John down the bridge, struggling to drop him down it. Jane tried to run even faster away from the site after seeing the horrific view, trying not to make any noise to attract attention, but made eye contact with the man, and fainted on the spot. From there, all she could see now was herself plunging into the cold river and not being able to breath. At last forgetting about everything that has happened to John.

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