Jordan's Love Story | Teen Ink

Jordan's Love Story

November 21, 2014
By TorresLesly BRONZE, Bronx, New York
TorresLesly BRONZE, Bronx, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jordan’s Love Story

My name is Jordan and I’m going to be telling a story of what happened in my first year of high school. I’m going to be telling a little about myself first.  I’m from Ohio, I’m 14 yrs old, and I’ve been switching schools for the past 5 years, because my mom can’t find a good job. She is the most important person in my life. My father died when I was 6 yrs old, so it’s only my mom and I. I’d never had friends before because I don’t like having friends, too much drama. But On my first day of highschool, I met this girl who seemed nice. Her name is Rachel. So the next day we talked, and then we became friends. Two days after that, we were walking by the hallways and I saw this really cute boy name Michael. But then suddenly this girl named Maggie went up to him and was all on top of him. “Are they going out?” I wondered.

The next day,I was hanging out with Rachel, and Maggie came up to me telling me, “I know you like Michael”
“What if I do,” I added.
“You’re not going to have him because soon he’ll be mine!” Maggie yelled at me with a smile on her face. Since that day on, Maggie has always been with Michael and wouldn’t leave him alone.
One day during lunch,I saw him and went up to him, “Hey Michael,” I called. “Would you like to hang out after school?”
“Sure,”he affirmed. That day after school,we went to the movies and he almost kissed me.We were walking home and then we saw Maggie. She said she saw us together at the mall and in the movies.
        “” I replied. Maggie then looked at me with a nasty face.
“I don’t like you Jordan!” she burst out. Michael walked me home and the next day during social studies class, he got up to the front of the class and did the most amazing thing someone has ever done to me. He asked me out! Of course I said yes to him. Then I saw Maggie get up so angry and got out the classroom. But I didn’t care.

  Michael and I were about to make a month of us going out. But things were getting bad. Maggie still didn’t liked me. She tried everything to make Michael break up with me. She told him I said I don’t like him anymore, she said that he’s ugly. But I never said that..and I told Michael it’s not true and thank god he believed me. But Maggie wouldn’t stop trying to make us break up. I asked her why we can’t be friends and she said because she doesn’t like me, and she wants Michael. One day Maggie told Michael I was cheating on him and he totally believed her! He broke up with me, and I was so sad. About two weeks later I got over him, and I met this other guy who is not a jerk like Michael. His name is Jacob, and we’ve been going out for one week and he’ve been so nice to me. Maggie and I never got along. She started going out with Michael but I didn’t care anymore because now I have Jacob.

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