Cut Off | Teen Ink

Cut Off

December 15, 2014
By snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Richard had been rich all of his life. He learned to only care about materialistic things, and that only money mattered. His parents brought him up that way. Richard’s parents bought his way through private school and college. Richard never learned anything, he was just handed his success from his parents. He never failed, until the last few years.
Richard took his shovel and shoved it into the dirt hole. His roommates dug with him in the deep hole in the courtyard outside of the prison. The cold rain stung his face as he dug deeper and deeper. He did the same thing everyday. Wake up, eat, dig, eat, dig, eat and then sleep. Richard stared at his dirty hands and wondered where he went wrong.
Thirteen years ago, after Richard graduated college, Richard’s parents branched off into another company and gave Richard part of their company. Richard went from a millionaire to a billionaire in a matter of years. Richard became so successful from doing absolutely nothing. He also became one of the most hated people in Western United States. Richard embezzled money from innocent people who had suffered from natural disasters. He was eventually caught years later. Now he was sentenced to many years in prison and owed many people a lot of money. He went from an entrepreneur/billionaire to a broke, hated criminal. He deserved everything that came towards him. 
Richard’s parents were also charged for embezzlement. Now they were separated, in different prisons across the country. Richard wanted to blame them, but he knew that he was a terrible person who deserved it. Although, it is his parents fault for raising him to be a terrible, spoiled person. Now, as Richard dug into the dirt, he wept. He turned around when he heard his name.
“Are you Richard Hendrickson?” a prisoner asked.
“Why, yes I am.” Richard said, flattered.
The prisoner shook his head and said, “Because of you, my mother died from an illness we couldn’t pay for.” The prisoner cursed at him and hit him in the head with a shovel.
As Richard lay on the wet ground, bleeding from one ear, he trembled from shock. Then, he felt a kick to his side, and then another kick to his groin. His body twisted and arched in pain as prisoners beat him up with digging utensils and boots. His vision soon became dark.

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