Wander | Teen Ink


January 14, 2015
By TinaPo BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
TinaPo BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She walked out of the house into the white world. She made her way to the still-white road and continued walking, eyes trained forward the entire time. Every hundred meters or so, she would pass yet another brick house that seemed to rise out of the frozen ground and expanded over massive amounts of land. Yet these houses remained silent as she passed, and she paid them no attention as she came to the end of her neighborhood. She didn’t hesitate as she continued walking in a straight line on the road, walking into the empty town where all the small brick shops were dark and covered in snow. She had her eyes forward on the edge of town, and she continued to walk. She was so focused that she didn’t hear the sound of the motorcycle coming up behind her before stopping, or the hurried footsteps coming after her. The sight of the man suddenly appear at her left side surprised her so much so, that her stride faltered for a moment before she was able to regain her original pace. He tried to talk to her, tried to ask her if he could give her a ride, if he could call anyone for her, if he could help in any way. She just stared forward, and at first he wasn’t sure if she had heard him. But then, for the first time all day, a shadow of emotion betrayed her, for he saw a single fat, clear teardrop fall from her eye and streak down her face. He immediately took off his leather jacket and put it around her bare shoulders. She kept walking, but for the first time that day, she allowed herself to think. She hadn’t even noticed she was barefoot and wearing only jeans and a tank top.
When she had left, her only thought had been walking as far as possible. She finally tore her eyes away from the road and allowed herself a quick glance at the man beside her. He had dark brown hair that was spiked up in the front, his arms that had been covered by his jacket were toned, and one was covered in tattoos, starting from his wrist and going up his arm, disappearing underneath the sleeve of his simple black shirt. He was also wearing fitted black jeans, but what she really noticed were his dark eyes that were trained on her. When she made eye contact with him, she quickly turned her eyes back to the road in front of her. He opened his mouth to try to talk to her again, but was cut off by the sound of an engine. He looked up in time to see a black Lamborghini stop a few feet in front of them. Out of the sleek car came a blond man with a chiseled jaw.
This man was wearing a black suit with a black tie that looked simple, yet expensive. This blond man came over to the girl and began demanding she let him drive her, he told her he could give her money, he could find her a place to live, he could help her. As he spoke, the girl continued walking, both boys falling in step on either side of her. As the blond finished his speech, the other man began to argue, saying he could help her, he had been with her longer and he was protecting her. As the men argued while they walked, each became more insistent that they were better suited to help the girl. Suddenly, the two of them noticed that she was no longer between the two of them.
They looked back and saw a statue, a simple object that had not been there before. The statue looked just like the girl, and had the first man’s leather jacket around its shoulders. The men had been arguing over who would get possession of, not a girl, but an object. And although the first man had been kind to her, he made no move to care for her until he saw a crack, an imperfection, a vulnerability in the statue that he felt he could fix. The second man saw the objet and tried to buy it with his wealth. But in the end, the first man grabbed his jacket off the statue, and the two men walked away, both deciding they could find a statue to admire that would be easier to move. When the men disappeared, the girl began walking, shoulders bare and eyes trained forward once again, as she walked, searching for a place where there are no statues. Searching for a place where she could have a start as fresh as the white that was beginning to fall again. Searching for a place where she would not become an objet.

The author's comments:

Lately, sexual assult has been brought up by many. This is in light of sexual assult cases on college campuses. Women are lately being treated as objects and I wrote this piece with the purpose of illustrating that idea.

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