Even She Doesn't Know | Teen Ink

Even She Doesn't Know

January 16, 2015
By Eva Feyre Febonio BRONZE, Shutesbury, Massachusetts
Eva Feyre Febonio BRONZE, Shutesbury, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking down the street I know I confuse people. Only few know where I come from every morning and the others don’t believe the truth. There this one girl, it feels like she gets me the most, but I’ve heard what she’s called me, it isn’t accurate. Her name is church girl. Every morning I start with the trash, its everywhere. Then I clean, no one every takes their shoes off. I go to my job; I follow where the money goes, so I never really work in a place more than once. I usually see church girl around my job, we never have lengthy conversations, we don’t need it, we are the real ones, no small talk needed. She says hi, never addressing me directly. We don’t need names to connect and I find it best when no one really knows who I have been anyway. I say hi church girl back. Then go back to what I’m doing, whether it be the prayer before my meal, or the drawing I’ve almost completed. I ask her opinion, she’s the only person not scared to answer. She then continues walking away with her friends, out of my house and on with their day, I see the others confusion as a result of church girl talking to me. I know I confuse people; this girl is the one that gets me the most. I see her coming out of church every week, I call her church girl. She sees me in my house, she calls me homeless.

The author's comments:

written in minimalism

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