Sad Life of Sara | Teen Ink

Sad Life of Sara

January 12, 2015
By Delighteful SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Delighteful SILVER, Portland, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Part One
Sad Life of Sara

The rain rippled down the sides of the amber window, almost like washing off the sin from the various blood soaked men. He sat in the corner of the store, watching her with slanted silver cats eyes.

A cigarette was drawn to his thin parted lips. As the bud hung from his lips, the ashes landed on the ground from not being flicked. Her standing there in the middle of the store, holding her weapon of choice, Slung down the side of her right shoulder. He looked at her, smiling. Standing to his feet, he pushed back his black midnight hair. She drew her weapon, her piercing dark eyes sending shivers through his pale skin.

This was what she liked the most; this was what he liked. Smiling he revealed his unsightly fangs that glistened with the blood of his last victim. She moved into action then,

sending her black and red sword through the man’s arms. He jumped back before the sword made contact. Charging again she made for another attack. This time with faster movements.

At last her sword made contact, sending blood falling to the ground. Now he was panting, barely able to stand on his feet. He mustered up the rest of his courage and then bam.

He ran with full speed, grabbing the girl by her golden blonde hair, sending her flying through the nearest window. Then as if to check to see if she was dead, he stood on the edge of the window seal

where the body of the golden haired girl lay, covered in the freshly laid snow. Pulling me out of my sleep, a hand reaches out and grabs my shoulder.

Looking up I see my friend Amber staring down at me, with her brightly colored blue eyes. Smiling up at her I managed to bite my bottom lip.

“I did it again didn't I?”I asked as she folded her arms across her small chest.

“Define did it again,” she snaps. ”You were yelling in your sleep again. Seriously Sara how lame can you be.”

Shaking her head she walks away. I managed to make her mad again, gathering my books I stand up. Other students doing the same look over at me.

“Oh, it’s the freak.”

“Yea I heard her talking in her her sleep again.”

“Haha, she’s so lame.”

Getting my stuff together, I put my head down and leave the room. They all talk like I'm not even there. Stuffing back tears, I head to the girl’s restroom. Locking myself in a stall I sit down.

I grab out my lunch and start to nibble at it. This wasn't the first time I’d eaten in the bathroom. It’s actually my normal routine, since I work at night iIm always tired.

I always manage to fall asleep in class. And since I'm not a pretty girl, I get made fun of all the time. People call me crazy and plain. With pale skin and ashy black hair, I'm far from pretty.

I wear plain clothes with a plaid skirt, knee high socks and a plain white button up top. My hair is cut short and choppy. And on the bridge of my face I wear my circle spectacles.

Sniffling, I manage to eat half my lunch. Opening the stall, I run into the three meanest girls in school. Kimmi Chan, Ashley Riley and Mary Black.

Each of them are far prettier than me, especially Kimmi with her black hair that falls down to her waist and her gold brown eyes. She always wears fashionable clothes.

Ashley with her red hair and grey eyes. And lastly Mary, with her milky blonde hair with a twist of curls. With sapphire eyes and freckles. But small freckles that blend in with her white skin.

Putting my head down I go towards the door, only to have my path blocked by an eager Ashley. She stares at me, a miniching smile drawn on her thin red lips.

“Looky Looky,” she giggles. ”If it isn't Sara.”

Taking a step back the girls all laugh. This is also normal, this is the part of the day where I'm either robbed of my allowance or get my head soaked in the toilet.

“So what should it be today, Sara?” asks Kimmi with a tilt of her head.

“W..Well uh I don't have any money....”

Why did I have to say that, then again it doesn't matter. This is all normal, it won't make a difference if I have money or not.

“Then you know what that means,” cackles Kimmi and Ashley as they grab my arms.

I'm dragged into the handicapped stall. As they shove my face down into the girl’s restroom toilet, I gasp for air as they laugh and soak my head. After they're done they leave me in the restroom.

My choppy hair soaked and my shirt see-through. Clutching my knees, I start to sob. I never wanted to come to this school. I never wanted to come to Kingdom High Prep school.

Sobbing I hide my face in my legs. I wish we never moved, then maybe I'd be happy, I say to myself as I get to my feet. Wiping my face, I go to my locker and get my change of clothes.

After changing, I go to class where I get a detention slip. After school, I take the same path home that I always do, through the dark cemetery, where at least none of the other kids go.

Riding my red bike, I peddle down the rocky Cemetery. I dodge the tombstones as I go, and finally make it home to my small but cozy blue and grey house. Dragging my feet I walk up the walkway,

up to the blue door, where I unlock it and slip inside. Another day and another day without a friend. Managing a smile, I head upstairs and slip into my pink polka dot pajamas.

After I change, I go downstairs and into the kitchen where a note sticks to the front of the refrigerator.

Dear Sara

Me and your father will be working late tonight. There's leftover in the fridge, so help yourself.

Love mom

Ps, a letter arrived for you today. I think it’s from Toby from you're old school.

Sighing, I go towards the white basket on the kitchen cabinet. Surely enough there's a letter addressed to me. Picking it up I look at the gold writing. On the front in big letters reads my name and address.

Opening it, I unfold the letter carefully and read it.

Dear Sara

Its been a long time, How are you?
Me?I'm doing okay, mom started work again.
Dad and lil sis miss ya though. Me, of course I miss you also.
How’s your new school? I heard it’s a Prep school.
I hope they're being nice to you. If not I'll send Jack to ya for back up.
Haha, I miss you like crazy. Me and Jack and Stacey don't know what to do with ourselves.

It’s been lonely......But yea, I'll push through, I promise.
Make sure you write me back this time.
I feel sad not hearing from you. Call me sometime too, anytime works!!!
Anyway, I'm sure you're busy with your new friends, so.....
I love you Cap and I'll talk to you soon.

Love from Toby Jenkins and the others you left behind.

Clutching the letter, I slide to the ground and sob.

“No,” I sob. ”My school isn't good and I miss you guys too.”

It’s just not fair. Clutching the letter harder, I sit on the kitchen floor for awhile, then make my dinner and go upstairs. The next day started off good, until reaching school.

On my locker in big bold letters read freak. Stuffed into my locker upon opening it, were notes from different people. Reading, freak, nuisance, unwanted loner and much more.

After sorting out my locker, I skip first period, and spend my time in the restroom until second period, where a whole new mess of trouble lay. First my hair kept getting pulled by the girl behind me.

Then spit balls were spit at me during lectures. And then my homework got taken and turned in with another name. And on top of all that, at lunch I got dunked again into the toilet.

But after all that, as if it couldn't get worse, my bike was stolen so I had to walk home. And when reaching home, both my parents were again working late.

Slamming my stuff down, I lock myself in my room, until I hear my parents talking downstairs. Upon hearing them, I slip down the stairs and crouch at the bottom  to hear what they're talking about.

“I'm worried about Sara,” says my mother.

“Me too dear, she hasn't been acting right. Do you think things are going well at school?”

Listening closer, I hear my mother start to cry.

“I don't know, Edward, she’s not joyful anymore. She doesn't smile, or eat dinner with us when we're home. She won't even look me in the eyes.”

Leaning to the side I watch my dad walk up to my mother. He slides his arm over her shoulder and hugs her.

“I think we need to talk to Sara’s school. I'm worried. All you're saying is true,” says dad as he clutches his other arm”I think its my fault.”

Hearing my dad speak like this, my heart throbs; they're blaming themselves. But it’s not their fault. I can't let them know about the bullying. If they do find out, they'll blame themselves more.

I have to put up a happy front. I have to smile and eat with them and act like normal. Feeling tears come to my eyes, I hide my face in my hands. I'm making it hard for them.

Why, why do I have to be like this? Getting to my feet, I go upstairs and lay in bed. I wish I wasn't born, then they could be happy and stop worrying. Looking towards the window,

I feel tears slide down my face. It isn't fair. God....if there is a god, why am I here? All I ever do is make people upset or sad. It’s just not fair, covering my head. I let sadness overwhelm me.

The whole night, I lay in bed and cry. In the morning, by sure willpower I drag myself out of bed. I take a shower then go downstairs. Sitting at the dining room table,

both of my parents sit, smiles drawn up on their faces as they laugh. Smiling I walk down the and take a seat by my mom.

“Morning honey did you sleep well?”


Looking down at my plate, I feel overwhelmed. My heart hurts, everything hurts. I don't want to go to school.


Looking up I manage a small smile.


“Are you okay honey, you look...upset,” says my mom as she looks at me concerned.

“I'm fine.”

“Are you sure Sara?”

“Yea, thanks for worrying but I'm fine, I swear.”

“Okay,” says my mom as she sips her coffee and peeks over at me.

Grabbing my bag, I stand up from the table.

“Time for school already?”asks my dad.

“Y..yea, I got exams today. Only two more weeks till winter break.”

“Okay, have a good day.”

Heading towards the front door, I hear my name called from behind me.



“We love you,” says my mother as she kisses my forehead. ”See you when you come home.”

Smiling, I wave goodbye and leave the house.

Part two, The Sad Life of Sara

It had been two years since Sara disappeared. No one ever saw her, the only ones who did were her father and mother. They said she was acting strange ever since she woke up.

When I went to question the students at the school. They all told me she was a loner who stayed by herself. But I knew she was bullied, she had gone home with bruises before.

Her mother told me Sara started acting weird when they moved here, which doesn't surprise me. Sara had no friends and was shy. She didn't talk too much.

Walking down the steps of Sara’s family house, I look towards the cemetery through the thick rain. Her mother told me she loved the cemetery. That she would always go there when she was upset.

After she disappeared, her family changed. Her mother committed suicide, leaving Sara’s father alone. He still lives in their family home, but he sticks to himself.

When I come to visit, he sits silently while I speak. All he says is thank you and then he just shuts down. Neighbors say they've seen him by the window. As if he's waiting for Sara to come home.

Some neighbors say they've seen him in the cemetery calling her name. I've asked him if he's gone there to search for her, but he only looks away. I wish I could close this case.

But when Sara went missing no evidence was found. The cemetery was searched from high to low. All the students were questioned, but I won't give up until Sara is found.

Either dead, or alive. Even after two years, nothings been found. But I know if I look hard enough I'll find something. If I question hard enough, Sara might get her justice.

Or even if Sara is still alive. Picking up my feet I walk down towards the cemetery. No wonder Sara liked this place. It’s quiet and rather beautiful. Flowers lay neatly in rows on each grave.

In the middle of the cemetery stands a huge tree. Some kids said that Sara was seen standing under this tree not too long ago. But that couldn't be, because she’s missing.

The next day, I head over to Sara’s old school. It’s too sad to think she had no friends. Walking through the doors, I see three girls standing in the hallway.

“Ashley shouldn't we tell?”

“Are you stupid, do you know how much trouble we’ll get in? I'm not willing to tell and get in trouble. If you want to be my guest Mary, but leave me and Kimmy out of it.”

Saying this, the girl stomps off leaving one girl behind. The other follows close behind her as she leaves. The girl left in the hallway, covers her face with her hands.

Walking up to her, she hears me and turns around.

“Ah, er can I help you?”

“As a matter of fact you can. I'm Detective Wilson Porter, I'm investigating the disappearance of Sara Kingsley.”

Hearing Sara’s name the girls face goes pale.


“Yes, can I ask you your name please.”

“I..It’s Mary Black. I uh Sara she..........”

Tears come to her eyes, she definitely knows something.

“Miss, do you know what happened to Sara?”

“Sara, she....we,” she cries as she hangs her head. ”I don't want to keep hiding what happened. I can't keep hiding it.”

“Hiding what?”

Looking me in the eyes, she tries to hold her tears back.

“We killed Sara”she sobs. ”We killed her, it was an accident. She, we hit her with a shovel and she went into shock. I told Ashley that she just needed help. But Ashley told us to bury her.”

With her body shaking she collapses to the ground. Her face in her hands she sobs.

“I'm sorry, Sara Im sorry.”

“Hey,” I say calmly as I lay my hand on her shoulder. ”Calm down and tell me everything.”

Standing in the cemetery, we watch as Sara comes walking up, her purple backpack hung over her shoulders. Seeing us she freezes.

“G..Guys today, I really don't have any money.”

“No money?”hisses Ashley”Thats a lie right, empty your pockets.”

Shaking her head no, Ashley grabs Sara’s arm.

“Oww, that hurts. Please let go.”

“I know you have money so show it to me,” she snaps as she pulls on Sara’s coat.

Ripping the buttons from her coat, Sara starts to cry.

“What a cry baby,” laughs Kimmy as she grabs Sara by the hair. ”Wanna cry some more?”

“Hey guys that’s being a little too mean,” I say as I try to grab Kimmy’s arm.

But Ashley hits me in the face. My hand slips and I fall back.


“Haha, so you wanna help her,” laughs Ashley. ”Okay, then you can help her.”

Ashley picks up a shovel from the ground. And moves closer to Sara, Sara tries to dodge it as the shovel swings. It hits Sara, in the side of the head. Next thing I know Sara’s, twitching on the ground.

I crawl over to her as she lays there.

“Ashley,” I cry. ”What'd you do?”

“Doing what you wanted, why don't you help her? If you don't she'll die,” she laughs.

“Sara,” I say as I look down at her.

Blood spills down her head as she cries and shivers on the ground.

“Guys, please just help her.”

“Okay,” says Ashley. ”We will help, Kimmy start unburying one of these graves.”

Kimmy does as Ashley says and goes to work. By the time, she’s done, Sara’s stopped moving. Her body has begun to grow cold.

“Oh my god,” I cry as I hold Sara’s head.

She’s still breathing, but barely. As I hold her, Kimmy and Ashley grab her legs and drag her to the grave. Next thing I know, they throw her into the open grave and start to bury her.

“Stop,” I cry. ”She’s still alive, I wanna help her. Let me help her.”

As I cry, I try to grab the shovel from Kimmy’s hands. But it backfires and I'm hit in the side with the wooden part of the shovel. When I wake up, Sara was buried alive in a dark cemetery.

Hearing what happened to Sara, the search for her body had begun. Her body was found in a grave by the old tree. She had not fully decomposed and we found what Mary said was true.

The inside of Sara’s skull had been crushed. She died from loss of air and from the blood loss. Even if Mary had helped her, it would not have mattered. Sara was doomed to die.

The blow to her head was too severe. As for the girls who killed her, they were arrested and sentenced to twenty years in prison. Mary, the girl who told me what happened, only went to prison for a year.

Sara’s funeral was finally held last week. Her father and the school all attended. Hopefully now Sara can rest in peace. She’s no longer under that lonely cemetery tree.

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