Through My Eyes | Teen Ink

Through My Eyes

January 31, 2015
By SilverTardis BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
SilverTardis BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What was it like to be normal? Would people smile and say hello, or would they smile and whisper their gossip behind their back. I could never tell, but then again I had never been normal. People had always treated me differently just because of one thing that had been out of my control.

My eyes.

One was a deep forest green, the other an ocean blue. My family said that I was beautiful just the way I was, but I would have to say that almost everyone at school would disagree. Many slandered my eye color, even though they knew it was a genetic defect. They’d say I was a demon child to their friends, then say a polite hello to me, all in one breath. And as the days went on, I started believing them. How could I be anything but that demon child they described me as?

As the days blurred together, the only person I could remember was a boy named Matthew. He was my oasis in a desert of hate. Most days we would hang out after school, and during the summer we would spend extensive time at each others houses. He was my everything.

When I would feel low, and compelled to listen to the voices that murmured, “Just get rid of yourself”, “You’re a waste of space, why don’t you take up the space in a graveyard”. He would come to my aid and help me set the knife down. He would whisper sweet nothings in my ears, telling me my eyes were beautiful.

And I believed him. He was my only friend and was with me through the bad and the good. So when he finally got his driver license and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride, I of course responded with a resounding yes.

“Where are we heading anyway Matt?” I was sitting on the passenger side fiddling with the radio. Looking up at his sandy blonde hair glitter in the light, I grinned with him.

“Nowhere too far. I thought a drive through town might be fun. Maybe some ice cream at the end if you’re up for it.” Settling back into my seat I looked at the town lights I thought had looked so dim in my childhood. With Matt they looked simply radiating in the smooth dusk light.

“Of course. When could I ever passed up free ice cream?” Chuckling he looked at me and smiled, before quickly looking back at the road.

As the drive continued we talked about anything, and everything. We talked about all the places we could go now that he could drive, and how we could now go places without having to depend on parents picking us up. While we talked the clock quickly neared 10.

“Hey if we are going to stop for ice cream, we’ll have to hurry. The close about 10:30 ish, and we might not get there in time since we’re all the way across town.” While I voiced my concern, he only laughed.

“We have plenty of time. Don’t worry about it. I’ll even drive a bit faster so we can get there in time.” His smile was simply radiant when he talked to me, I couldn’t help but blush and play with some strands of my black hair.

As our drive continued I thought about how lucky I was to have a friend like Matt. So kind and understanding... I wonder if I’m kind enough to him? Have I ever done something to show him my thanks?

“Hey are you getting sleepy over there? You’ve gone quiet, and we’re almost there too. So wake up a little.” He looked at me with quiestion written on his face, and when he did I felt like he could see threw me. And as I looked up, I saw the one thing he couldn’t see at the moment.

I saw the swerving car. It was a rather large white truck, that had just come speeding through a red.

“Matthew! Watch out!” Yelling out I pointed at the car for emphasis. But by the time he saw the truck, it was too late.

It was a head on collision, and Matt’s small car couldn’t do much to defend itself. The airbags had deployed, and the windshield had shattered sending glass everywhere. The driver side was almost completely crushed by the force of the crash, and Matt’s blood was very visible to me.

“Matt! Matthew! Can you hear me?” I shifted in my seat, trying to free my arms from the seatbelt so I could help him.

“I could always hear you Lily.” What the heck? Why is he being sappy right now? I’m trying to help him, and all he is doing is confusing me.

“Why don’t you try and keep awake until the ambulance gets here? You probably have a concussion.” Slowly, his blood spattered face turned to me, and he smiled.

“I never had the nerve to say it Lily but I-”

“Why don’t you tell me once we are out of here? Now might not be the best time...” Slowly shaking his head, he sighed.

“Lily sometimes you’re so naive. I think this is the only time when I can tell you. So listen okay?” I nodded, agreeing with him so he’d keep talking. If he quit talking and passed out, he might suffer head trauma or something.

”I think I’ve felt this for a while, but never quite knew what it was. You have beautiful eyes Lily, and I’m thankful that I met you and had the chance to find out what you were hiding behind them. But I think that I’m about to go, and before I do I have to tell you one last thing, I think I love you Lily.” I gasped, and my eyes filled with tears when I realized the real scope of what he said. Through my eyes what I saw was the real fact that Matt was dying right in front of me, my best friend, wait scratch that my only friend. And as I looked into his deep blue eyes, I realized something too.


“I love you.”

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