A Memorable Walk | Teen Ink

A Memorable Walk

February 25, 2015
By Amanda Grovijohn BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Amanda Grovijohn BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice and sunny Sunday afternoon when Abby decided to go for a walk. She was excited to go because it hadn't been this nice out in a while. She was walking on a trail for about 15 minutes when she noticed a little girl around the age of 8 sitting on a bench. Abby walked over and asked her name, which she replied, "Kate". She asked Kate why she was sitting here and Kate didn't have a response. Kate then said she had ran away from her home. Abby and Kate talked for a couple hours and Kate really liked Abby. Abby talked her into going back with her family because her parents were probably so worried. She walked Kate back home and watched the family smile and cry. She thought this was a very memorable walk. 

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