Hard Times | Teen Ink

Hard Times

March 5, 2015
By DeAnna Lovelace BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
DeAnna Lovelace BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

DeAnna was a Twelve year old young girl and she had everyone and everything she could have ever wished for. One morning that all changed when her father came home from work and gave her the news that her mother had died .That day could be considered the worst day of her life because the one thing she didn’t think would have ever happened to her did when she wasn’t even expecting it. Three years later she is a Freshman in High School And struggles with overcoming her fears. DeAnna”s biggest fear is failure she thinks if she fails at something it will not teach her a lesson it will tear her apart. Soon she realized failure is apart of life if you don’t fail every now and then you’re not doing something right. Failure leads to success and noone is perfect so if you achieve at everything you wouldn’t learn life lessons. DeAnna has always dreamed about being a Pharmacist since she was a little girl. She can’t see herself being anything else but she knows it comes with hard work and dedication. She also knows she will fail or have a difficult time at some of the challenges that are thrown at her if she becomes a Pharmacist. DeAnna knows she will succeed at the things she wants to experience and the things she wants to try if she gives it her all. Being in High School has taught DeAnna that she needs to be able to take care of herself and not rely on others for every little thing. If she relies on others then she will not learn how to do things on her own and when she graduates she wouldn’t be ready to be independent. DeAnna encourages you to tackle your fears and to try anything that you have been scared to do because once you do it you will feel weight lifted off your shoulders.

The author's comments:

I hope people take from this that they should take on their fears and accomplish them no matter what the outcome may be 

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