The Chef | Teen Ink

The Chef

February 26, 2015
By TheLeanMeanGreenMemeMachine BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
TheLeanMeanGreenMemeMachine BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s just about time we should wrap this up, you seem very qualified for this job, but before you go I would like to ask if there is anything that you have to say that I should know about.”  The interviewer said as she put the application back in the folder. 
“Well, I believe that people should strive to look for happiness more than wealth, and not sacrifice happiness for wealth.  With that being said, even though this job pays quite well, I don’t think sitting in front of a computer everyday would be the right job for me.”
“Excuse me?”
The interviewee stood up and walked towards the door, and as he opened the door he turned around and said.  “I only applied here because my parents told me to do so.”
The interviewee’s name is Kai, he is of average height and has big brown eyes.  Not attractive by any means.  He wore the same set of clothes every day, he even has two of the same pieces of clothing. Kai just graduated from a prestigious college and his parents are pressuring him to get a job.  As he walked home he decided to stop by a Japanese restaurant to have lunch.  He ordered his favorite food, which is sushi rolls and Nigri. He was very impressed by the food that he ate. 
The waiter came around and asked,
“How are you enjoying your meal?”
“It’s fantastic, how did you guys make these? Is there a secret?”
“The chefs have been doing this for years, even if I told you how to make these, you might not be able to make it.”
A thought came into Kai’s mind, he quickly gave a tip and thanked the chef and waitress and headed home.
When he got home his mother asked “how was the interview? Did they like you? Do you think they are going to hire you?”
“They actually were quite critical of my application.  I kinda sensed that they thought I was lying”
“Better luck next time then, maybe it just was not meant to be. Just remember to do what you like and don’t be greedy.”
His father came out and said “well you better get a job soon, to prove you’re not worthless”
His father has always been very critical and straightforward to Kai and his brothers.  He demanded them to be the kids he wanted them to be, and that’s what he believed what was good for them.  This selfish thinking caused Kai to brew up an annoyance on his father over the years.  Resulting in a very bad family atmosphere. 
“Actually I just told them I didn’t want the job you a------.”
Kai ran out the door to avoid any further conflict, he ran back to the restaurant. 
“Hi, may I speak to your manager?”
“Why? Is it because of the food you ate earlier?”
“No, I would just like to know if I can get a job here.”
“I will bring out the head chef and you can talk to him”
The head chef came out of the back and asked Kai “So, you want a job here?”
“Yes, I would love to”
“Tell me a little about yourself then, why do you want to work here?”
“I love sushi so much and every time I have it, I am so intrigued by how it is made, and it will require many years of hard work and dedication to make great sushi, which I am willing to put in.”
“Do realize that when you start working for us we won’t pay as well as other jobs?”
“I prioritize having a job that I want to have, over the pay of the job”
“Okay start coming tomorrow at 6am then, you got the job”
“Thanks! Is there anything I need to do or bring before I come?
“Just come”
Confused how easily he got the job, he was just happy that he got the job and headed out.  As he was walking back he decided to call home. No one picked up, he decided to leave a voicemail.
“Hey mom and dad I just got a job at a restaurant, I will be going there starting tomorrow.”
When he got home his father was standing on the lawn, and said “you getting a job at a restaurant just proves even more that you are worthless”
“What are you going to do then?”
“You aren’t allowed to come to this house anymore”
Kai did not know exactly how to feel about this, or how to respond to his father.  He was sad that the fact that his father just disowned him and that he can’t live with his brothers and mother anymore, but at the same time he felt as if he had been released by the demands and pressure of his father. 
Kai said “Well, at least I don’t have to be your son anymore” as he turned around and walked back to where he came from. 
Kai spent his first night homeless and slept on the streets close to the restaurant.  Without any blankets and cushions, the night was the longest he ever experienced.  He was starting to doubt his decision of getting the job, he thought of his comfortable bed at home, and how nice it would be to sleep underneath the warms sheets.  He thought of all the good memories that he had with his brothers, and how loving and supportive his mother is.  Kai’s heart became weak, he got up and started walking home, but as he made his first step, he envisioned his father.  His father was yelling at him in his comfortable bed, in front of his whole family, to the point where he realized even if he went home it would not be worth it.  He laid back down and fell asleep. 
The next morning at 6, he was outside the door and no one else was coming.  Suddenly the door opened and the head chef told him “good morning, your job today is just to wash the rice”
“And then?”
“Wash more rice”
When he walked in kitchen he saw most staff members were already there aside from the waiters.  He saw a room connected to the kitchen that had beds in them, and realized that most of the workers just lived there. 
He spent the whole day continuously washing rice with his hands, he was kind of getting sick of it, and asked the head chef,
“How long do I have to do this?”
“As long as it takes”
“With all due respect, I don’t think I’m learning much from just washing rice every day”
The head chef then grabbed some rice and a piece of fish.
“Watch how I make this piece of Nigri, and do the same thing”
The chef made a perfect piece of Nigri under 10 seconds, and Kai thought that it would be very easy.  He started handling the rice and soon bits of rice were all over his hand and the little ball of rice fell apart.
“See you have to understand how to handle this rice before you start making Nigri with those hands of yours, now take a break and go home for the day”
“My parents kicked me out, for working at a restaurant”
“You can just sleep here with us then”
Kai was so happy that he didn’t have to sleep outside tonight.  The Chef reminded him of his own father in a way, always very straight to the point, but not in a demanding way.  For many months Kai continued to wash rice and started to understand how to handle rice, and during his spare time he would try to mimic the head chef’s skills.  He started to form a bond with the Chef, a bond he had never felt before, a father-son bond. 
Kai had become one of the most well-known sushi chefs of his time after years of hard work.  He had opened his own restaurant with himself being the manager and the head chef.  While he was working, he met someone who loved his work and him and eventually they got married, and had a beautiful child.  Life could not have be any better for him at this point.  He realized that all wealth was just a product of him trying to be happy instead of him trying to become rich. 
One day he had not much to work on in his restaurant, and he decided to go back to his house, to retrieve the stuff that he once left there.  He didn’t know what to expect when he went there, he didn’t know if his brothers would still be there or if his parents have moved out, but Kai still wanted to give it a shot.  When he went there the only person that was left in the house was his mother.  After not seeing each other for so long, he hugged her and started crying. 
“Where is George and James?”
“Your father drove your brothers out, just like how he drove you out the house.”
“And where is dad?”
“We are no longer together, he was not satisfied with me either and started cheating on me.  And one day he was out and got shot when he was messing around with a girl who had a gangster boyfriend. I guess your father could never be satisfied with anything he had, thank god you did not go down the same path as he did.”
Kai felt sad but he knew that had he been greedy and not complacent with what he had, he would have gone down the same path as his father. 
Kai grabbed all his toys from his childhood and said goodbye to his mom as he went back to his house.  He gave his son his toys and said,
“I love you.

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