the world through my eyes | Teen Ink

the world through my eyes

February 28, 2015
By sagipower BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
sagipower BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will not lose!

Urgg!" I groan cracking my eyes open, only to immediately regret it after the sun shines straight to my eyes.
"Gaaahh!!" I yelp falling out of bed in a heap of limbs. Shaking it off i walk towards my closet and pull out an outfit. 'Hmmm... it'll do!' I amend to myself. The outfit consisted of tan cargo pants and a red shirt. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Alex, the class clown and all around nice guy! Grabbing my book-bag, i rush to my school, not excited about learning- eww - but because i get to see my beautiful girlfriend of two and a half years. Its odd huh? All these years and i still cant stop the grin that works its way onto my face when i see her brunette hair flowing and her smile. Her name by the way is Alisha. Dodging people and walking to our little "meeting" spot i feel something I haven't let myself feel in a long time...
I saw her and i saw my best friend Jason. Course at the time Jason had her against the door kissing her. So i did the only thing i could.
"WHAT THE H---?!" I shout causing them to split apart with a start. When their eyes lock onto me i lose all feeling. And i just walk away from their calls of "Alex" or "wait". I make my way through the day and avoid them both.
"Alex!" Jimmy, the kid practically idolizes me.
"Hey Jim!" I reply with a smile. Inside I'm hoping he cant tell my smile is fake.
"Did you do the work for Mr. Robert?"
"Sorry man, i couldn't. I was a bit preoccupied. " i reply absently. Before he could respond we heard someone speak that made my mask crack.
"Alex..." a soft voice spoke.
"oh! Hey Alisha!" Jimmy's voice cut in ever happy as me. With a sigh i start to close my locker and throw my books into my bag, mask of happiness in place as i make an escape, Alisha always had a weakness for jimmy.... and my best friend apparently. While jimmy distracted her i made my way to the door as normally as i could. Wait, duh! Headphones! Putting them in i turn on my music low enough to where i could hear but i act like i cant. After i made it out of the door i saw Jason headed my way out of peripheral vision ... well s***...

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