The Memory Of Spring Break | Teen Ink

The Memory Of Spring Break

March 4, 2015
By HallieH BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
HallieH BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

“I knew from the beginning this was a terrible idea!”
Sarah screamed at me. She was always so worried about everything and I never understood why. Sarah had always been a wonderful friend to me, although we didn’t agree on much. It was spring break. We were driving to meet up with Luke and Zac, when I ran out of gas.
Sarah began to yell again, “Way to go, Catherine.”
She was always on me about something. Sarah and I grew up together and she was the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister, so these arguments have happened previously. I decided to call my dad, knowing he’d be helpful. After being stuck on the side of the road for a while, my dad finally came to handle our problem.
After calling my dad and having him help Sarah and I, we had Luke and Zac just come pick us up. We were all so excited for spring break. The four of us had been best friends for as long as I can remember, We’d been planning this trip for a while now and I couldn’t be happier we were all on the road. This spring break, we decided to travel up to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee to stay in a cabin on the mountains. Luke’s family had recently purchased the three story mansion for family vacationing, so our trip was, for the most part, free. The four of us had basically planned the whole trip out. One day we would all attend Dollywood, another we’d shop in Gatlinburg. I was just thankful we could go without parents chaperoning our every move.
I loved long car rides, but the others hated them. Zac and Luke were constantly complaining in the back seat, but Sarah was just thankful we were on the road. She drove, being the worrier she’d always been. It began to rain hard on the windshield of the car. We continued driving though, desperate to reach our destination. Then, out of nowhere, another car from the left lane bumped us from our side, causing Sarah to lose control. She’d been driving in the right lane on the highway when the other car hit us. As Sarah tried to re-grip the wheel and regain control, I realized it was too late. We were flipping off the side of the road, landing in a ditch.
I knew as I tried to look around for my friends, the looks of things weren’t good. The airbag had exploded in my face and I couldn’t breathe. My head was bleeding and my whole body was in pain. I tried calling out to my friends but my lungs wouldn’t allow it. I could hear the ambulances and the firetruck coming from the distance. I tried to remain calm but I couldn’t even breathe correctly. I could vaguely hear the paramedics trying to get me to speak, but I couldn’t. I just wanted to rest. I decided to just close my eyes and rest, hoping the pain would disappear.
When I woke up, I’d realized I was in the hospital. As I observed the things around me, I realized what happened. I screamed as loudly as I could for a nurse and one appeared right away. I demanded to know what had happened to my friends. She responded calmly, saying none of them were yet awake. The nurse informed me that all of our parents were on the way. She told me I now had two broken ribs, a sprain in my left wrist, a concussion, and of course, bruises throughout my body. I decided to rest again, hoping for more answers and painkillers when I would awaken.
I woke up to my parents sitting in the corner of the room I’d been placed in. My mom was crying and calling more family members while my dad paced the room. They bombarded me with questions and kisses when they noticed I was awake. Then, I could tell by my mom’s face that she had bad news. I asked her what was wrong, then she began to sob. Immediately I tried to escape the wires and cords entangling me. I had to go make sure my friends were alright, but my dad had forced me to stay in bed.
Mom began to softly speak, “Catherine, the doctors did everything they could,” I began to hyperventilate, “Sarah didn’t make it through the accident.”
I began to cry uncontrollably, refusing to believe the news I had just been told. I cried so hard that I choked.
“Luke and Zac are fine, they just have injuries like you do,” my mom told me.
I was heartbroken. Not only was Sarah my best friend, she was like my sister. Never in my life had I experienced a loss so severe.
When Luke, Zac, and I returned home with our families the following day, not much was said. Sarah’s family was so upset and hurt. My heart broke for them. Neither Luke or Zac, the most talkative people I knew said much to anyone for a while. It didn’t seem real or fair. The smallest things now always reminded me of Sarah. As I returned to school everything was so unreal. Luke and Zac were just as traumatized as I over the death of our loving best friend.
Even looking back on it now, almost a year and a half later, it still never ceases to amaze me how quickly life can be taken from us. It taught me a lesson, and even still I think about Sarah. Although physically she can’t be here with me, I know she’s watching over me with wide eyes.

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This article has 2 comments.

HallieH BRONZE said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 10:33 am
HallieH BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
@Em1703 thanks Em!!

Em1703 BRONZE said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 10:31 am
Em1703 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for." Ephesians 1:11

Woah good job hall i loved this :-)