Acceptance and the Lack of | Teen Ink

Acceptance and the Lack of

March 15, 2015
By GivaSprauve1222 SILVER, Healdsburg, California
GivaSprauve1222 SILVER, Healdsburg, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's hard to be a saint in a sinner's body

Acceptance, something that all of us desperately crave. Whether it comes from our family, friends, or society in general, we desperately want it. There are some people who do not need the acceptance from others, then there are some who cannot live without it. I know of a person that desperately wanted to be accepted by his peers. His name was Anthony. Now Anthony, wasn’t someone who was too ugly, or too fat, on the contrary, he was pretty good looking, the only problem was that he was gay.
Anthony was pretty popular at my old school, every guy wanted to be friends with him., while every girl wanted to be with him, except me of course. He was  in the closet for awhile until he decided to finally come out. On the day that he announced he was gay, his ‘friends’ were no longer there to accompany him. Those girls that wanted to be with him, now looked down on him, making sneer comments behind his back.
Anthony now wandered the halls, lonely and depressed. Every day I would see him, walking down the halls with a longing look in his eyes. One day, I looked at his wrists and I saw little white scars. It shocked me to say the least. Every day that passed by, I promised myself that I will go talk to him but that day never came. One day, he just disappeared, and word went around is that he finally caved in and killed himself.
Moral of the story: Acceptance is something that is hard to attain. We just have to learn to accept people for who they are, 

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