Something Remarkable | Teen Ink

Something Remarkable

March 17, 2015
By Kicker28 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Kicker28 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eagerly, yet cautious in her steps, Lauren strode down the dunes to observe and document the scene. She began photographing certain matters which held interest with her: a bird here, some stringy dune plants there, occasionally even a little crab, “if the dang things would cooperate and stand still!” she thought out loud. “Oh well” she uttered with a sigh. “I wonder if there’s anything behind that rock over there.” Realizing she is thinking for the world again she gave a wry smile and performed a weird skipping start to a jog since she found herself overwhelmed with intrigue. Unbeknownst to her, there Was something behind that rock and that something may change her forever.
Decelerating with wide catawampus steps, Lauren turned the snaggle-toothed corner of the rock lightly brushing the side with a graceful hand that followed her graceful steps. Upon gaining line of sight her face twisted to bright awe underneath her straw sunhat making it useless in its purpose. Before her lay the most breathe taking stretch of beach she had ever seen. Untouched by human hands and molded straight from God’s creative breath. She dropped to her knees along with a single tear down her cheek and the sun which had been setting for some time now. She knew she couldn’t waste this moment as there will be only one like it. She stood, wiped her beautiful tear from her beautiful face, and raised her camera hopping that this action will somehow raise the sun, keeping this moment in time forever. In theory it will for that is the single purpose of the camera and this she very well knew. It will never be the same. Being in the moment is what matters, feeling the moment in every aspect of ones being. Lauren dropped her camera in the sand and basked in the fading sun. Nothing matter then.

“And right then I realized life has moments for all of us that are special. We must cherish these fleeting moments of awe and speechlessness for without them what can we draw from that makes us special? It is the moments and how we react to them that make us.”
“Did you get a picture miss Lauren?” one of the children asked.
“No I’m afraid not. I chose to act selfishly and thrive in the moment at hand. I know that may sound bad to you deary but in this intense, and some few others, it’s alright to Be selfish. When the moment comes to you, you’ll have to make the same decision and between you and me I hope you make the right one.” “Miss” Lauren winked as she snuck this piece of advice to the girl and then she rose with the help of her walker.
“Miss Lauren where are you going?” exclaimed the young girl.
“I’m going to find something spectacular that changes me or as some call it Adventure!”

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