Maneuvering | Teen Ink


March 19, 2015
By shannon p BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
shannon p BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Successful people keep moving.  They make mistakes but don’t quit.”  That is the motto Dillon lives by.  Dillon and his mom have lived in hard conditions since he was a kid.  When he graduates from high school, he plans to join the Airforce because he wants to be able to pay his mother back for taking care of him.
On the day of his graduation, Dillon wanted to hangout with the guys for one last time before he left.  They met up at his house and went on a road trip to a far away place where no one else traveled.  Jenny, Dillon’s girlfriend, also went with them.  She was a very pretty girl with a perfect body, and Dillon really loved and trusted her.
All the guys were drinking except for Jenny because she had to drive.  One of the guys was on the phone for a long time and Dillon didn’t like that.  He told him to get off the phone to make the moment last. He pulled out his gun and pointed it towards Dillon’s face and said,”You’re gettin on my nerves.”  Dillon backed up and told him to chill out and put the gun down.  He left it on his lap while he got back on the phone.  Dillon thought he could slowly grab it and hide it somewhere for the moment.  He gradually reached for the gun on his friend’s lap but he felt it falling and quickly tried to take it back.  The gun fired and shot the friend in his head.
The next day Dillon was sitting at the police station, frightened.  He knew that he wasn’t guilty but he was told he would have to be kept in isolation for a few weeks.  While in prison, Dillon became close to a guy named Nick.  They had a lot in common; they both wanted to have a successful life and have loads of money.  Nick said he was going to get out in a few days, and he offered Dillon an escape trip to Brazil in return for Dillon’s profits when he works in Brazil.  Dillon approved of the idea because he trusted Nick.  When it was Nick’s time to leave, Dillon was also able to leave and discovered that he was charged with manslaughter and was going to be on house arrest and then having 25 years in prison.  He couldn’t believe what was going on; his instincts told him he needed to get out of the prison as as soon as possible.
Dillon got home, and the first thing he did was pack his belongings and headed to Nick’s house.  Of course, the ankle monitor went off and the police were already onto him.  He was ran and hopped into the nearest car and jump started it.  The police were already there surrounding him with choppers, police cars, trucks, basically; the whole police department.  He was trapped and had no way out, but he saw the empty chopper.  He thought to himself, “As if today could get any worse so why not?” and he took the chopper.  He was shot a couple of times but he was still conscious.  Finally, he made it to Nick’s house and cried for his name.  Nick came out with a shocked looked on his face.  He shouted,”You got blood all over you!  How are you still alive?”  Dillon responded,”I have no clue.”  Dillon was ready to leave and escape to Brazil, so he asked Nick if he was still down with the plan, and he also asked if he could bring his girlfriend Jenny.  Nick told him to hold on and said he needed to run into the house to grab some stuff.  He came back out, loaded, and Dillon’s head was shot.
In the hospital, Dillon was resting on the bed thinking of how confused and betrayed he felt.  Nick came into the room and explained to Dillon that he thought he was lying about the deal, and that he has heard of a girl named Jenny before.  A nurse walked in and Dillon immediately told her that he was ready to leave.  “You can’t leave. You were charged with an attempted murder, and you have to serve your time in jail.”  Nick and Dillon turned to see a female cop; it was Jenny.
After 25 years in prison, Dillon was freed and started to get involved with the music industry.  He began his career as a music producer, and now he sings and raps; he makes a lot of money to support his mother and him.  Nick moved back to Brazil and found a new job that, also, pays well.  Unfortunately, the two friends separated as the years passed  but deep down they still remember the time of their life when it was at its worst, and they managed to get past it.

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