Chopsticks | Teen Ink


May 12, 2015
By Azncheerleader BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Azncheerleader BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People admire the foreign writing and designs tattooed on us. We were skinny on one end and thick on the other. From the very start we were made to pair with one another. They would always gently set us down on a smooth piece of stone. We were never stabbed into a bowl of rice and stood up right. Whenever my partner and I are apart or a little uneven they would grab us and pinch us next to each other and “tap, tap” on the surface of the table. Our bottoms are designed to pick up the steaming hot rice, seasoned greens, or spicy dishes. Our body would be covered in steam from the rice and cooled off when we reach for the greens. After each meal we were given a quick bath with the rest of the silver ware used then they would put us in the same draw to let us rest until the next meal.

The author's comments:

Something some of us use everyday.

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