The Bomb in Times Square | Teen Ink

The Bomb in Times Square

May 27, 2015
By Fallon2021 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Fallon2021 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“A,C and E Station are closed for possible code black.” The speaker boomer as we piled in the subway stations surrounding a mysterious box. I got the call early that monday morning that a mysterious package was left in the terminals under New York City’s Times Square.
    Agent Roberts and I were talking about a previous case we just worked over coffee and mountains of paper work. “If I knew being part of the bomb squad was more paper work than deactivating bombs I might of reconsidered.” Agent Roberts said as he flipped through a six inch thick stack of paper on driving procedures.
    Before I could respond, the alarm went off and we went into our routine. We each had a specific procedure that had to be done quickly and efficiently to be able to all get in the vans and quickly get to wherever we need.
    I ran to the locker room put on my vest and belt, grabbed a bag and went to the supply room that was a quiet swarm of people. Everyone was too busy listening to the captain and absorbed in their routine to talk to each other.
    “A,C and E Stations under Times Square has reported a suspicious abandoned item!” the captain yelled over the room, “It could be a possible terrorist attack, we are bringing in the dogs and checking out the three terminals. Agent Hendrix call an evacuation and the news to stop people from coming to the square. Leaving in 10 minutes, no evidence of hostile attackers on site but bring a weapon for backup.”
    I loaded some ammo, a gun, wire cutters, wires, a mask, microphone and a backup containment chamber. I sprinted to van doors with sound of the alarm and the sound of my blood pounding in my head.
    We sped all the way to times square, a typically 45min drive we got their in 27. At first everyone was talking about the plan and how we are going to initiate procedure but 5 minutes away it got eerily quiet as the stress and reality of the situation weighed on us all.
    I looked over at Agents Roberts who was staring at a picture of his family in his wallet, the Captian was taking quietly on the phone with his wife and a few others were holding good luck charms and mementos. I pulled out a small key chain and gripped it tightly and wished we would all be fine when we come back from today.
    We filed out of the vans, I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and went to the canine unit and grabbed Kelsey my trustworthy nose who will sniff out any danger. Kelsey tugged me along to every trash can, wrapper and, pedestrian on the way down the terminals.
    Captian yelled out for our teams to separate, conquer, and report. Each of the five teams had 2 caines, 2 technicians, an engineer and a cop.We went down Station C and the canines went crazy. Kelsey nearly got lost from my grip as they surrounded a bag behind a trashcan.
They let out loud, aggressive barks alerting us of the danger.
“The dogs found something, second trash can, station C. Standby.” I said into my microphone.
The cop and technician approached it with caution while we stayed back and prepared for the worst.
They opened the bag. Everything was quiet. The cop, Officer Grey, reached in and pulled out a small plastic bag filled with a green, grass-like substance.
We all let out a sigh of relief, not a bomb.
“Just a drug dealers bag.” Officer Grey said.   
“Well the package is in Line E, so don’t get too relieved yet.” the engineer said, whatever small amount of relief we had diminished.
We walked on until all of our earpieces beamed “This is Agent Roberts, Team 2, we are on line E and we have a visual on the package, should we proceed?”
“No, Roberts wait for another team to assist you.” the Captain said
“This is Team 3, we are two minutes out” I said into the mic.
“Perfect, Team 2 wait on Team 3.” The captain said
“Ok, Team 3 we are awaiting your arrival, out.” Agent Roberts said.
We jogged as we were talking and now were almost in a sprint going to Team 2.
They stood off by the wall and approached the line as they saw us. There was a small red, mechanical looking box by the subway line.
Kelsey and the other carnies were barking and snarling at the small lethal object.
We all backed off as an engineer and Agent Roberts walked up to it. Roberts picked up the red package and it flickered and eerie red/yellow light, he quickly put it down and bolted behind a post waiting for an explosion that didn't come.
Two technicians walked up to it and asked me for permission to touch, I granted with Agent Roberts, me and, Kelsey's supervision.
The Tech on the right flipped over the red box to reveal a hidden cartridge. We all tensed.
He slowly reached in his bag and pulled out two small round batteries. He exchanged looks with his partner and then put it in. We all quickly stepped back and the red object lit up with dancing light and music. The terminal lit up with joyous laughter, "It's just a child's toy!" yelled the Tech.
I reached in my pocket and squeezed my keychain, everything was fine, my wish came true.

(based off of NYC Subway suspicious package? Actually, a Toy.)

The author's comments:

Based off of real life events but adapted into a fictional story. 

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