Jim's new job | Teen Ink

Jim's new job

June 3, 2015
By Lucas Phillips BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Lucas Phillips BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday a man named Jim went to work like everyone else in his town. He worked for Raphael Industries, the company that most people worked for in his city. The head of the whole company was named, of course, Raphael no one knew his last name. But there were many smaller branches with other people in charge. Raphael’s company has grown so big because when others try to make a deal with him they can never see eye to eye, but he then ends up buying and turning their business in to his own later. Since some of the only jobs available were a RI almost everybody ended up working there. Jim had worked there for only five years, while Raphael had been running the company for over forty years. No one knows how old he is but many people think he is off his rocker.
Jim only had one friend at his office. It was Albert. Albert was nice but not exactly playing with a full deck. Jim and Albert talked every day about how their jobs had been before Raphael Industries had been in charge.
“Yeah this is a far cry from our old jobs.” Said Jim.
“I don’t remember what my old job was anymore.” Noted Albert
“Well its not important any more. We should probably get back to work.”
Later that night when Jim was about to hit the sack he got a great idea.
“There must be something good coming out of all this, every cloud has a silver lining. I know I’ll start my own business so I won’t have to work at the stupid job I have now.”
Jim stayed up the whole night thinking about his new business. Albert and himself would share the company. They would make string cheese balls. They are like balls of yarn but using string cheese. The purpose of this great item would be to entertain cats. Jim's knowledge of cats was limited. So he thought that all cats loved to eat mice and play with balls of yarn. He also thought that cheese was a mouse's favorite food.The idea was for the cheese ball to be left out and attract mice the cat would then jump out and attack the mice. Or the cat could play with it like a normal ball of string.
The next day Jim told Albert of his idea.
“Its the best of both worlds!” Jim said as he finished telling Albert of his idea.
“Wait theres two worlds, and you invention can exist in both of them!” Albert screamed.
“No, Albert it’s an expression.”
“I think we’ll have to burn the midnight oil if we want to get the prototype ready and sellable.” Said Jim
“But I don’t have any oil” Explained Albert.
“Never mind” Jim sighed.
Jim and Albert worked all night long to get a finished product. In the morning they were done. They had built a machine that turned regular cheese into the balls of string cheese.
“It’s done” Exclaimed Albert.
“It may have cost us an arm and a leg but I think it can cut the mustard.”
“Me too.”
Later that day Jim and Albert went out on the streets and sold their amazing new cat toys. Eventually more and more people began to buy them. Little did they know but the cats actually hated the toys and and the people began eating them. Jim found out that this was the case when some one walking by said that their stand have the best cheese snacks in the whole town. Using their new found information Jim and Albert modified the cheese balls for people. In the next few weeks they were able to open their own shop, improve their cheese ball creating machine. Also create new types of cheese. Jim decided not to only use string cheese but also regular cheese. They made cheese baseballs, basketballs, golf balls and bowling balls. Their business was doing very well until one day.
“Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.” Someone behind them said.
Everyone in the store turned around to see it was Raphael and two of his goons.
“I see you have quit working for my company and started your own, and you have been doing very well. And being the only major company in this area with the best jobs, and best pay I want to know why you quit.” Said Raphael.
“Well” Said Jim,
“I was tired of working for you and doing nothing all day so I invited Albert to join me and start our own business.”
“Not a spark of decency for me. But the real reason I have come here is to offer you a deal, I give you a million dollars and you give me your company. I’ll be killing two birds with one stone.” Raphael offered.
“Let me think for a minute.”
Jim waited for a long time to answer, he could tell raphael was getting mad.
“The ball is in your court, you get to make the decision. Maybe you could hurry up though.”
“He’s thinking!” Shouted Albert.
Two hours later Raphael was done waiting.
“That's the last straw, are you caught between two stools. Why can’t you just make up your mind. You get this offer once in a blue moon and you still can’t make up your mind. I guess we don’t see eye to eye this should be a piece of cake.”
“I agree, this should be a piece of cake.” Said Jim
“But I’m gonna go with no, actually I don’t even know why you came you probably already knew I was going to say no.”
“You're right I wouldn’t be caught dead in this place. Lets go.”
Then Raphael and his bodyguards turned around and left to building. Everyone started cheering.
“Its okay elvis has left the building.”
“And we get to keep our shop!” Said Jim.
“Yaaaaaaaaay” everyone cheered.
“We should eat all the cheese to celebrate.”

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