The Memory | Teen Ink

The Memory

June 4, 2015
By Jazzmin Abernathy BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Jazzmin Abernathy BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are some parts of the accident I can remember. While laying in the hospital bed I would always become blurry eyed every time I looked at my half missing leg. My mom would make stops at the hospital about everyday, sometimes even  staying there so long she would sleep on the couch. Some nights I would hear her silently weeping on the couch at night, every time I would ask her if she is all right she would say ‘Oh sweetie I’m fine, try to get some rest’. 

When I was laying in the hospital bed I would count the ceiling tiles, or play with the flower petals. Then Doctor Snipper would come into the room all smiley and happy, it made me sick to see him be so happy forcing smiles just for my benefit. Always saying everything is going to be okay and fine but inside he knew the truth and I knew the truth. My mom asked “When will my daughter be able to get her new leg?” Doctor Sniper responded saying that I will get my leg after physical therapy and when I learn to walk with crutches and go in to wheelchairs. When my sister Kaylee comes to visit I would always refuse to talk to her or pretend I’m asleep. My best friend Elizabeth came in to the room with a big stuffed bear grinning from ear to ear. She is so goofy I thought smiling to myself. My mom said “ Oh, Elizabeth good to see you, um but I don’t think this is a good time.”

“Mom come on this is a good time, I’m bored out of mind right now.”
“Okay Elizabeth , I’ll leave you and Hayden alone for a while” she walks out the door. “Lizzie” I practically scream of joy “I missed you so much.

“I missed you to, it feels weird going to school without you.Here you can have Toby. I call him Toby because he looks like a Toby to me.”

“But” she quickly adds “ you can change the bear’s name if you like to it’s fine with me.” All I do is just smile at her. “Oh”she says grinning back “I brought your diary just something for you to read.” she hands it to me, I open it and she the first thing that I wrote----

I am finally going to Highschool, and becoming an actual teenager.

Though I hate first days of school because of the fact that you have to get use to the fact that school is so big and that you have to spend an hour and a half in a class with the same teachers. Though I can’t wait to see all my old friends from elementary school and my middle school.

                              Hayden L. James

I look up and smile at her again totally speechless once again.She finally walks over and embraces me with a hug. We hug so tight, then I say “ so what’s going on at school”. She let’s go of me and looks serious when she says “everyone who was at school that night is scarred for life. I mean after the gym started to collapse and everything dramatic happened, we were just never the same.”

That night we were all having a basketball, track, soccer and volleyball meet that night in the gym when a kid named Sebastian walked in with button like thing in his hand. I've only known him for the 4 months he been at Carrington high, he was so quiet and shy but he always had an interest in Photography. 2 months before he destroyed the gym we were all outside and he was on the hill with a camera snapping pictures of the flowers and bees on the flowers. When me and Liz saw what he was doing we both walked over to him and then goofy Liz just had to laugh it up when she saw what he was taking pictures of he turned around and turned beet red. I felt bad for the guy so I pushed in front of Elizabeth and said “So you name is Sebastian right I've seen you around school ,before you're in my English class right?” He nods in agreement to my response. So I tried to start a conversation with him again to get him to start talking but he just gave me one word answers, that is until I asked “ How long have you had an interest in Photography?” That is what got him talking, he looks up from his camera and smiles a little like he is thinking about something nice.

He says “ Before my Uncle died he was a photographer, 2 weeks before he died he gave me his camera because he was so sick and he wanted someone to take his camera. Ever since then I feel me taking pictures is making my uncle smile and this is my only connection with him to make me feel like he is still with me.” I am so serious when I say that this is the longest Liz has ever been speechless, like she never stops talking. All I could do is look sorry and the only thing I said is “I’m so sorry for you loss Sebastian.” He looked at me and smiled and said “you're the first at this school to say sorry about my uncle and the first to actually talk to me without being forced or talk to me on free period time, thanks.”

Then like that he turns back to his camera and zooms in to a flower, I bend down to get a closer look of the flower he was taking a picture of when a butterfly lands on my shoulder and that just happens to be the moment he looks up and says “Don't move.”  he backs up a little and then snaps a picture. Then he looks up from his camera quickly and says “Is it okay if I took a picture of you, if not I will delete instantly.” I just smile because of the look on his face and say “Sebastian it’s okay that you took the picture.” I say then he flashes a small smile and then starts taking pictures. About 1 week later he had been acting strangely around everyone and look kind of scared and stressed out lately. Later in the day  almost night time  we were all having a basketball, track, soccer and volleyball meet that night in the gym. When about 30 minutes into the meeting Sebastian walks in and looks sad, he was close by me so I just asked if he was okay, but he just looked at me and said “Hayden I’m so sorry.”

Everything happened so fast, he clicked a button and the ceiling started to crumble and fall down one big piece of the cement of the ceiling fell on my leg. I was screaming in agony, along with the other shrieks and cries, some calling others names to help them, even though they were in  the same situation. Then everything started to get fuzzy and black and I only remember waking up in a emergency room with my parents over me my mom in hysterics and my dad looked sad but kept a straight face.

“Hayden… to Hayden…..come back to us Hayden.” my best friend said while she still sat on the edge of my bed watching me.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Liz, I forgot you were here.”
“Look girly, I think it’s time you got some rest since you just happen to be blacking out on every word I say.”

“No Liz I’m fine.” She gave me a tight and long hug and told me everything will soon get better, I wanted so bad to believe but I just knew I would never feel the same again.

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