Three Steps to Insanity | Teen Ink

Three Steps to Insanity

July 7, 2015
By gatherthewords BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
gatherthewords BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One step.
Two steps.
Three steps to the cliff of insanity.
You’re standing there with your fists bunched up, and your sneakers shuffling at the edge, kicking off dreams and memories. It’s going to be a long way down, and it’s also a long way up. The paradox makes your head spin. Around you are the footprints of those who came before you. Some of them fell, some of them jumped, and others walked right into it like they knew exactly what they were doing.
You wonder which kind your sister was. She was here only five years ago. You wanted to ask her what she did but she can’t hear you anymore, she’s still falling like everyone else. She’s left you behind and it’ll be years of falling to catch up with her.
There’s a sign, right on the edge, that’s old and yellow. It says you have to jump. There is no turning back and you’re realizing that for the first of what will be many times. Everything keeps moving forward, the times, places and peoples pushing you closer that edge.
It’s time to go.
It’s time to jump.
It’s time to grow up.

The author's comments:

I've always imagined ages, or milestones in life as cliffs. It's the antcipation, the knowledge that something is coming to an end and the coming of something new. You don't know what's coming.

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