Hollow | Teen Ink


October 13, 2015
By ForevermysteryGirl BRONZE, Whitehouse, Texas
ForevermysteryGirl BRONZE, Whitehouse, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When all else fails, try again.

My eyes stray to the floor as my converse patter against it in a soft rhythmic melody. Other melodies echoe mine, almost as if in answer, but no words are uttered. Hands fist at my sides, twitching as if unsure and my finger drums against my side in anxiousness.

Fabric brushes against my arm and I scoot to the side, only to touch something else. My eyes flicker upwards, scanning the faces of the people around me. I marvel at all the smiling faces, searching, almost desperately for an exception.

I find none.

I should be used to it now, the feeling of emptiness. An armor of flesh surrounding nothing but a hollow space. A desperate search to fill the inevitable void inside.

Reality sucks me back as my eyes dart up to another smiling face, lips moving in an apology as a large hand steadies me. I move away from the hand, almost stumbling back and I try hard not to flinch at his blatant stare. The man's smile slowly fades, transforming into that of wonder as he stares at me.

The quiet girl, the shy girl, the one nobody knows is drowning umtil it's too late. Drowning in despair, slowly fading into nothingness as the hollowness inside slowly spreads until she's simply nothing and then in the blink of an eye, the hollow space is gone.

And so is she.

The author's comments:

A variety of things inspired me to write this, music, reality, people. I write sometimes,es through my emotions and sometimes others. I want people to decide for themselves what they get from this, I guess you can say.

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