My Absolute Closest Friend | Teen Ink

My Absolute Closest Friend

October 25, 2015
By Silver_Silk BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Silver_Silk BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" (Anais Nin)

Charlie Boy is a modest character who tells nobody of the things that he struggles with emotionally until he is compelled to release himself to the universe with the help of his soon to be closest friend.

Chapter 1: The Last chapter

Chapter 1: The Last Chapter

I thought my life sucked when I no longer wished not to be alive. It turns out that I actually learned to love different aspects of life. When this dawned on me, I realized that there still are doors that are begging me to open them. What I used to perceive as depression was just a way for me to get away from the challenges that I wasn’t yet ready to face. I didn’t have the strength I have now to simply walk through the once impossible challenges. That’s just the definition of inevitable, when things are certain to occur. Depression has dragged me through hell, she’s made me the person I am today, she is my closest friend. Depression always found a way to get personal whenever we had our conversations, in fact it was our only way of communicating with each other. Writing journal entry is evocative I swear, I remember the cold afternoons, when I thought I had no one. Little did I know, depression was always around the next corner waiting to consume me with her comforting motherly darkness. Our conversations were unpredictable, I never knew when she would visit me again because I was anxious that she would catch me being happy. In fact the only advice depression would give me is that the happiness would not last long.

She told me one cold afternoon as I was walking home from school. She said in a clinical manner “It won’t last, my friend”. I told her “It won’t last, my friend”, she laughed as we simultaneously said “See you soon, my friend”. When I got home I marched to the last room on the left down the hall, my dead uncle’s old room when he was my age. I hardly got to even know my uncle, his name was John. He seemed pretty young when he died, I know I was. Hope he’s doing well now. The sky was the color of an ocean in the process of being bleached and all I could think about was how depression and I were like opposites. I thought back to the last time we had spoken to each other, when she said “It won’t last, my friend”, she meant the happiness. However when I said it...I meant the sadness that she had nurtured me with for so long. The sadness was like poison the more it was fed to me, it was making me numb inside and out. But like an addict, you can’t just take something from them after they’ve depended on it for so long. The same thing went for me only because I loved that sadness that Old D provided me with. It gave me something that I thought was worth dying for! Suddenly my heart skipped a beat and I felt all cold inside, I think I recall the sky pausing at that moment too. “Hey, Old D, is that you?” I said. “Hi Charlie Boy”, she said in a bold voice, “ I don’t mean to impose but tonight I believe we have a date”. She was always on time and not once was she not. There was no set schedule, whatever she said went and that was final. “I guess you’re right then Old D”, I said. That night seemed fast and slow as I tried to hold in everything she already knew. That’s why she came because she knew of every single issue that was linked to every emotion. She brought it all out and told about a bad dream she had been having of me getting over her. All she wanted was a friend and I had a friend that I didn’t necessarily need. After telling me about her dream, she said that she’d take me to her world and show me her reality. Later that night as I was dreaming in a world with purple skies that seemed like thick silk blankets, I heard a song in the distance and my voice was saying “ I’m happy for you my friend”, “goodbye, my friend”. I heard a loud ringing coming from the sky suddenly, then I woke up in the real world. I asked myself  what the dream could’ve possibly been about but I came up with nothing after pondering about it for roughly 13 minutes.

To be continued...

Chapter Notes:

This chapter is still in the process of being developed.

The author's comments:

This story feels necessary to share as it is a product of something that I've struggled with emotionally. Hopefully it appeals to readers who have and have not struggled with the similar thing.

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