"Dead Campfire" | Teen Ink

"Dead Campfire"

October 30, 2015
By MorganReinsel BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
MorganReinsel BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    It was a cool crisp October evening. You could feel the chilly breeze. The sun was just starting to set, and in the distance you could see the beautiful pink and orange sunset sneaking over the mountains. Just under the trees you could see the dead campfire, ashes all around, making the air smell like smoke. You could see one camper light on, everything else was still, but my gut was telling me something was going on. Beyond the campfire, you could hear a faint sound, just able enough to hear it say,

   “Help!” “Help me!” someone cried. The voice was getting closer. I walked towards the faint voice and hid behind a tree. I saw a bright light flickering on and off. Someone appeared just beyond the campers. I could only see their shadow. The grayish black shadowy figure crept towards me, making me feel creeped out, as if a spider was crawling on me. The shadow seemed tall and skinny. Another voice yelled deeply,
   “Get back here!”
  I could now see the person running towards me, she looked oddly familiar. She had long black hair, and a red top on. I then realized it was Donna!
  “Oh no!” I belted. I ran towards Donna and screamed,
   “Donna! What’s going on?”
   “Someone’s after me and I don’t know why!” she replied.
   “Let’s get out of here!” I said in fear.
  It was 7:00 p.m. now. The evening was turning to night, it began to become dark. Throughout the night, we were too afraid to say anything so the person behind us would hear, I gestured Donna behind a bush. The mysterious person was now so close, you could hear him breath heavily. The moon now bright as can be, shined through the the bush and the guy sees us when he turns his head. We dashed to around the bush, as if were running a marathon. The man pulled a knife from behind his back and said creepily,
  “I’m going to get you and your little friend too.”
     We got off the camper trail and headed towards the huge red building called the “Lodge,” hoping to find safety. We were both so tired and knew we couldn’t stop now. As we were going up the hill to get to the Lodge, I tripped in a groundhog hole. Donna comes back to help me up and we head towards the red building. Still having hope, we get to the Lodge steps, only to find a dead body hanging on the door. The body was a women, just swinging back and forth, hung by her neck.
  “Ahhhh!” Donna and I screamed bloody murder.
We rushed to the other set of steps while the man came up the steps that we had come up. Donna whispered softly,
   “We have to find a place to hide,” then pointed to the Lodge’s garage. The mystery man was coming down the steps we had come down while we went into the old white garage. Luckily, he didn’t see us. As soon as I walked in, I could smell the disgusting smell of mothballs. I began to gag.

   One hour pasts without “him” finding us. I peeped through the only window in the garage, to only see the man standing in the middle of the driveway to the Lodge. We knew we had to find safety somewhere else and find help, we were just too scared.
  “Morgan, we gotta get out of here.” Donna murmured.
  “I know, let’s make a run for it and go to the other camping lot to see if we can find help,” I answered.
Donna says,  “Good plan, let’s go!”
   We creep to the old rusty green door, good thing we were leaving, I couldn’t take the odor of the mothballs much longer. I open the door, quiet as can be. We hear the man say,
   “I’m going to find you two, and kill you.” We shrieked and just ran like the wind! Donna ran, with, me following behind. We  were now running for our lives, the man only being 12 feet behind me. We ran past the campfire from earlier, still smelling like smoke. I think I was starting to hear things. I could hear the mountains whispering,
“He’s right behind you,” and the owl’s murmured,
  “Run!” I thought I was going insane.
We finally made it to the second camping lot. We knocked on every single camper, only to find that no one was answering. It seemed to me that the “man,” Donna, and I were the only ones left at Highland Lake, he killed the rest. We opened up our friend Wendy’s camper door, and you’d never believe what we saw! All over the bed, all over the floor, there was blood everywhere. Her neck was slashed, her fingers were cut off. We both shrieked in horror and disgust, and screamed,
“Wendy!” “Noooo!” Wendy’s face was pale, white as a ghost. Her body, cold as ice. I knew we had to leave, I picked up Donna from the floor, she was holding Wendy in her arms. I had to drag her out of the camper. Both of us had tears streaming down our face. The man was headed toward us. I ran but Donna doesn’t follow. She stands still. And the man stops 20 feet from her. She whimpers,
“Why are you doing this?” The man answers,
“Because I can.” and starts bolting towards Donna.
“Just kill me now.” Donna exclaims. I scream,
“Donna!” “Noooo!” I grabbed her and pulled her with me to run. We don’t know where else to go, it was freezing cold now, you could see your breath. I knew Donna couldn’t handle it much longer before she just breaks down and gives up. I explain to her,
“We need to be strong, Wendy would want us to stay strong and stay together.” Donna runs beside me not saying a word to me, wiping the tears from her face. I decided to leave her alone as we head our way back to the long driveway to see if any cars would drive up it. It became foggy and hard to see far ahead, so hopefully the man couldn’t see us anymore. We sat down for a minute to take a small rest and catch our breath, praying and hoping we’ll make it to the morning for when more people come to Highland Lake to fish. I felt a tap at my shoulder, someone behind me was tapping at my shoulder and it wasn’t Donna. It was the man… I managed to run away from him but he caught right back up to me and grabbed me by the hair. He got his knife out and started to swing for me, he was just about to strike me with his knife until Donna threw a rock at him and hit him. I got away but tripped, and he caught me again, but this time he put the knife to my throat. I was starting to feel dizzy, everything was starting to spin. In the back of my head I could see the campfire once lit. The trees were swaying back an forth. It was now 11:59 p.m. about to be 12:00. I felt tapping again on my shoulder. It wasn’t the man or Donna. As the man was going to cut my throat, i heard someone say,
“Wake up.” “It’s time to go to school.” It was my Mother, it was all a dream.

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