Moving | Teen Ink


November 18, 2015
By Anonymous

One day, four year lily woke up to the sound of zippers and wheels in every bedroom. She remembered that today was the day they were moving. After everything was packed and weighed, the suitcases were placed by the door in the living room. Everything in the house was gone, only the couch and beds remained, and the other belongings were locked up in a room. Lily and her family were leaving home to go to the airport and,of course, she was not happy about it. It was not easy for her to leave her cousins and go to a “far away land” with everything new. The person she would miss the most was her cousin sister who lived underneath her in the building. Every other day, their families would meet for dinner and she and her sister would have lots of fun. In America she would not get to do this. The only, somewhat, exciting part about this was that she was going on a plane for the first time, and it was going to be a long ride. She was not at all prepared to go, in fact nobody was. Her relatives tried not to cry, but eventually their feelings poured out. Tears wanted to stream out, but they were held back. Their eyes were red and watery, but tried to put on a strong face.  Then her parents had to literally drag her to the car while she was screaming and crying. On the way she realized, there was no going back, so finally she stopped crying.
When she got to the airport, Lily was amazed at how many machines there were and how everything worked. Almost everything from the security check, to waiting at the gate was new to her. As soon as she entered the airport, beeping, talking, and loud banging was all she could hear. Everywhere, there were security personnel guiding people and their suitcases. People were bustling around with luggage carts making sure they had documents and passports. Then her dad took them to the baggage check in area. There the bags were weighed again and then sent into the belly of the plane. Following that was the security check, where they bid goodbye to the family members and went on a whole new journey. Gray plastic tubs were slammed on the conveyor belt as people emptied their pockets and took of their shoes and jewelry. Next she went through a sort of a door with a policeman at the other end. She came out the other end of the door, the policeman took a stick and scanned her with it. After that, her family gathered their belongings, put on their shoes and hurried off to the gate.
Through the giant glass windows, her parents showed her the planes taking off and landing. After what seemed forever, she finally got on the plane for the first time. Greeted by the flight attendants at the entrance, she wanted to be one when when she grew up too. When the plane took off, she wanted to see how the clouds looked, but found out the plane was flying right through them like air. She always imagined clouds as huge, soft, puffy cotton balls, but seeing this made her disappointed. After a while she got bored and started looking at the pictures on a laminated flyer. When she asked what it was, her mom said they were instructions of what to do when there was crash land or emergency. Lily hadn’t even imagined the the plane could “fall down”, so she got scared and thought that would crash land into the ocean every time there was a little turbulence. She was worried about what she would do  Finally after the scary, but exciting trip they landed in San Francisco
When they first got on the airport, it was completely different from the one back at home. This one had cool, sleek decorations, it was less crowded, and there were a lot of different people. After all the documentation and paperwork, they were free to go. Then they headed over to the baggage claim where her parents collected all the big bags, and then walked over to the parking lot where they were going to be picked up by one of her dad’s friends.
Lily had always thought of America as a high tech, modern, and a totally different place, and it turned out to be just like that. Outside, it was cold, foggy, and wet. As they were driving, she peered out the window and say all sort of cars, zooming everywhere, high above her head. Instead of the bumpy roads, there were sleek black roads with neatly painted lanes. Instead of the littered streets, there were plants, and houses. It was going to be a new adventure for her.
At first it was interesting for Lily to see how things went,but then it got way too boring .The lack of people and traffic noise made the place a little too quiet,so quiet that you  could even a pin drop. On top of that, the winter weather made it seem even more gloomy and depressing. since they had just moved, there was no television to watch, no games, and worst of all no friends to talk and play with. There was absolutely nothing to do and no form of entertainment at all. All she could do was run around the almost empty house. She used annoy her mom and tell her that she wanted to go back right that instant, but obviously they couldn’t go back that easily. She gradually learned to live life in such a boring place, and it actually turned out to be fun.
Later she started attending a pre-school and started getting to know how things work, how people talk, and how the school system works. Soon she made friends, and eventually started elementary school. She got used to the culture there and turned out to like it in california. She made a lot of new friends, met all sorts of people, and went to places all around california. She hated it for the first few months, but when she made friends and had something to do, she wanted to stay there for the rest of her life. Now when her parents talk about going back to India someday, she doesn’t want to go back.

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