Cluth Time | Teen Ink

Cluth Time

November 19, 2015
By Wavvy.Quann SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Wavvy.Quann SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life

 Opening up in the 4th quarter with 27 seconds left on the clock the rams are down by 3 points. Aaron the star and starting QB of the team begs coach not to go for the 3 points instead let him put the team on his back. Coach tom agrees and sends the players back on the field. Aaron tells the receivers to go for a Hail Mary, and tells his blockers to protect him. The center hikes the ball Aaron catches it and steps back 4 feet he looks and sees Brandon open for the touchdown he throws the ball high and long, Brandon jumps over a receiver and catches it with one hand “TOUCHDOWN RAMS,” the announcer screams!!!!!!

“Great touchdown A you’re the man,” said Brandon “Nah bro great catch and holding that ball tight,” said Aaron as he gives Brandon a friendly push. Aaron walks away as he starts to feel dizzy, Aaron rushes to the bathroom and falls to the toilet. He falls out and wakes up in a hospital. Aaron is so confused he doesn’t know what’s going on and as he looks around the doctor comes in and tells him everything he needed to know. The doctor tells him that he suffered from post-concussion syndrome. Aaron puts his hands to his face knowing that it might be an end to his football dream.
“So what you going to do baby,” stated Aarons mom. Aaron explained to his mother that he is scared to get back out there after the first scare he had. “I just don’t want to make this worst ma,” said Aaron. “A your such an outstanding young man the team needs you the colleges want you don’t let this stop you,” said Aarons mom. The next day Aaron wakes up and says to himself “My mom was right my team needs me today is game day baby!” Aaron gears up for his game today that could lead the team to a championship.
The crowd goes wild as Aaron runs on the field to hype the team and get them ready to get the win. “I believe in you guys, now let’s take this candy away from them they’re babies!” Coach pulls Aaron to the side and says “A these guys are tuff, but right now you have something to win for bring this trophy home for us!” Aaron nodes his head and smiles as he goes back on the field to start the game. 1st and 2nd quarter the rams are up by 2 touchdowns, Aaron walks off the field to the locker room, and he starts to feel dizzy again he runs back to the coach as he was on his way he fell down. Every startled in the crowd, the coach and players run to Aarons side and tells someone to get the medical assistances on the field.
As Aaron gets himself back together he sits on the bench watching his team lose. “Coach you gotta let me back on the felid they need me!” shouted Aaron. “We can’t take that chance Aaron we need you and your mother too.” Aaron pulls coach to the side and tells him “Football is my life I eat, sleep, and drink football I need this coach!” The coach nods and sheds a tear and calls for a timeout. With a minute left on the clock the rams are down by a touchdown. “OHAMA!” Aaron shouts to the players on the field as he runs to the huddle. “Same play as last time Brandon.” Said Aaron and he smiled. Aaron looks at the clock its 45 seconds left the center hikes the ball, Aaron looks up to see Brandon double covered so Aaron ran the ball up the field juking and spinning off defenders and dives into the end zone for TOUCHDOWN!! Everyone goes wild, Aaron looks to his mom and his coach and takes his helmet off and raises it to let them know he is good.

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